Sickness, Stress & Success
Holy shit what a weekend. I'm exhausted and sick as a dog. I'm sure you are all annoyed and confused on why this is a Tuesday edition of Trust Fun... Well it's because yesterday was Cyber Fucking Monday. One of (if not the) biggest days in ecommerce. So I was head to the computer, locked the f in, making sure our website didn't break, launching ELITE ads on meta & just being an all out wizard so we would hit our sales goals.
If you saw me last week or this weekend, you didn’t. I was a lunatic, reloading the Shopify app on my phone repeatedly. I honestly probably looked like a bit schizophrenic, constantly checking, waiting for a $100k order to hit.
Every year I go through the BFCM (black friday, cyber monday) weekend I am terrified we aren't going to hit our goal. If stuff seems slow or we have a bad hour or two, I always talk myself into a bad headspace. Being a marketer, and also being that about 30-50% of all yearly revenue comes from these few days, it's a very stressful time. My entire year of work basically tied to this one shopping holiday. Basically, this objectively determines how I've performed at my job. Do I deserve a raise? A bonus? A promotion? A pat on the back?
I am fully relying on you, the CONSUMER, to buy our stretchy jeans. My entire financial and professional fate is in the palm of your American Express.
If you bought some jeans this weekend, thank you! I truly mean that. It helps me alot. I know who you are. If you didn't buy jeans this weekend, well, damn. That hurts. I also know who you are. But guess what? There's still time. Keep shopping. You can still get onto my "nice" list :) →
And for those curious. Goals were HIT! All the stress for nothing. We did the damn thing. But for that, I'm paying the price of having a nasty cold. A cold that would kill most healthy young 28 year olds. Not me tho.
So, welcome BACK to a very sick, post cyber weekend version of Trust Fun. No idea what number this is. And DISCLAIMER: I'm all sauced up on cough medicine & Tylenol right now so I can't be accountable for anything I write.
That statement is legally binding.
So, a reader reached out to me after last weeks and told me that they love it when I do NOT talk about work and e-commerce. I found that interesting. You mean you guys don't like it when I shill you software? Shocker.
Well guess what, I gotta pay the bills and not enough of you have bought a hat. So here's a fair deal IMO, the more hats you buy, the less software I'll sell you. Shop here: - they are STILL on sale. Gonna ship orders tomorrow.
All jokes aside, I found it insightful and awesome. I'm down to talk less work, more fun. Always.
Some other random thoughts:
Thanksgiving was awesome. So good I ate it twice. Wednesday night bar night in your hometown still rules (even at 28). Had a blast catching up with people. Go see Wicked in theaters. Now. Also so good I saw it twice. Not kidding. Honestly shocked it took me this long to get to Wicked. It was AWESOME. What a movie. Ariana Grande is so back. Get a flu shot. Glad I got mine. Don't be a hero. I'm in NYC till Dec 21. Let's hang / go to dinners / coffees / Rangers games. I'm AVAILABLE.
Here is a quick brain dump:
Thanks for reading this hot mess. Love you all. Plz send all healthy vibes my way.