Sick & Tired of the Status Quo? Let’s Shift Markets.
Concept Me by Nina
A boutique design studio of innovators in the business of creating curated spaces.
Being an entrepreneur entails undoubted determination, focused vision and curious ambition. Starting a business and finding success it in a sustainable way is an attractive thing. However, entrepreneurs’ curious ambition has a way of disrupting stability sometimes for the sake of growth, change and the reception of the next challenge.
Earlier in the year, we had a complete shift of strategy at Concept Me. Entrepreneur and Concept Me founder, Nina Parvaresh, had reached a point where the status quo was not satisfying nor fulfilling for her. Working the same type of projects with the same kind of clientele for the past 13 years meant that it was time for change. While financial stability, team adaptability and the company’s capacity were in a great place, it was now time to switch up … to do better … to do different.
Nina’s eagle-eye vision was focused on shifting markets, on working with new kinds of people and being able to creatively switch up what she does and tackle a brand new type of project. This came at the price of tears over Zoom calls, nights full of doubts and panic attacks at the office. We survived, thank you for asking.
Initially, in switching up the way you do business as an entrepreneur, a certain degree of courage must be mustered up. Nina had umpteen things on her mind that she needed to consider. She was putting financial streams of income on pause, risking the very stability of the business. She was putting her own working capacity to the test, stretching the limits of what she can physically do per day and she was jeopardizing the comfortable situation which Concept Me had achieved after 13 years of straight up hustling high-end designs.
That courage either leads to failure. Or, in the great optimist’s scenario, to the goal being achieved. Through hard work, a serious commitment to the goal, several failed meetings, several failed attempts and a constant, never-ending pushing force from Nina and the team, Concept Me was able to shift markets, was able to start doing the projects they wanted to.
It is quite difficult to say no to a project. That project could keep the company afloat, pay salaries and keep the rent in check. But it is even more difficult for an entrepreneur to watch their business do the same thing over and over again just for the sake of comfort. Risk and courage are at the very core of being an entrepreneur. It is never easy to assume that the work you are doing is going to be jeopardized for the sake of a vision that no one but yourself sees.
But, being an entrepreneur is really about proving yourself and having an ironclad belief in your vision. That’s one example of why entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.?