Sibling Rivalry And Everything In Between.

Sibling Rivalry And Everything In Between.

How many times have you had to stop your children from fighting each other??

And, even before you are done with this ordeal, they are back at it; squabbling?

and bickering over toys, the TV remote, or even who gets to spend more time with mommy.

Like unwanted guests who overstay their welcome, sibling disputes never seem to go away. The more, the merrier (not always), there is no getting away from sibling conflict as long as you have more than one child in your home.

Just how big is sibling rivalry? You ask.

Studies have shown that sibling conflicts in young kids are pretty frequent, and these bouts may happen up to eight times an hour (yeesh, that sounds exhausting). Even worse, sibling rivalry can extend way into adulthood, past several years—and sometimes even decades.

But in every dark cloud, there’s a silver lining, Sibling rivalry among your kids can be effectively managed with these easy tips.

Try the 10 minute rule:

Teaching your kids to share is an important step towards banishing sibling rivalry and will help them get along better. Using a simple timer, ask your kids to take turns playing with shared toys and other gizmos for 10 minutes each.

Encourage verbal or written resolutions: Instead of fighting and bickering, encourage your kids to politely communicate how they feel by expressing their emotions verbally or writing a simple letter to each other. Don’t forget to help facilitate these resolutions.

Get involved: Everything sure is better with Mom and Dad. Join in on the fun during playtime and teach your kids the power of teamwork and collaboration. Working together will encourage them to put aside their differences and foster a closer bond.



