Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Cedar Resin, Siberian Bee Propolis and Wild Grown Sea Buckthorn Oil. 3.5 Fl. Oz. (100 Ml). Therapeutic Grade, Extra Virgin, Cold-pressed, First Press Only. 100% Natural and Authentic. Pressed From Wild Harvested, Organic, Raw.

The main component of the ELIXIR is Cedar oleoresin harvested in May from Siberian wilderness located in Ural Mountains area .This unique blend carries with many therapeutic properties and historically used by Russians as a source of strong health and as a natural cleanser of the human body.

Ingredients: oil from the kernel of the cedar nut with a liquids’ resin (sap) of (cedar resin), sea buckthorn oil, bee propolis.

Harvested and mechanically processed according to the technology based on ancient recipes.

Based on centuries of everyday usage Russian people believe that such oil and resin unique synergetic blend restores human vigor, dexterity and prevent from chromosome mutations as well providing the purification and rejuvenation at the cellular level. 

When all components got mixed (cedar resin, cedar nut oil (cold pressed), and sea buckthorn oil and bee propolis) at a room temperature it gains a super power that cannot be reached by consuming all components separately.

Oleoresin – "The Elixir Of Life" is traditionally used by Russians for fighting with :

?  diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

?  diseases of the cardiovascular system;

?  skin and dental diseases;

?  diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems;

?  diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

? to cleanse the blood, and the lymph; 

? for a comprehensive detox;

? to boost the immune system, improve your vitality;

? for the prevention and treatment of viral infections, colds, flu, sore throat; 

 * inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis) and respiratory tract (cough, bronchitis);

? diabetes, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis;

? vascular dystonia and endarteritis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, angina, arrhythmia, tachycardia;

? for skin and erysipelatous inflammations, acne, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, diathesis, skin dryness, mastitis;

? for tissue regeneration for the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers, wounds, abrasions, abscesses, burns, frostbite, cuts, insect bites, boils, carbuncle, felon, herpes and other traumatic and inflammatory lesions of skin and surface tissues;

? varicose veins, cramps of the extremities;

? hemorrhoids, prostatitis, adenoma, decrease in sexual activity;

? with a yeast infection, premenstrual syndrome;

? in severe excitability of the sympathetic nervous system (fatigue, poor sleep, nervous breakdowns, panic, stress, insomnia, hysteria, nervous tremor);

? arthritis, gout sciatica, osteochondritis, polyarthritis.

Mandatory conditions: test yourself on the predisposition to allergies. To do this, on the back of the hands drip 3-5 drops of oil. If rubbing the next day will not appear redness, you can begin to use. Shake well before use.

OLEORESIN - "Elixir Of Life "

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There are several major organs and human body parts that such cleansing is designed for: liver, vein and arteria (blood vessels become more elastic, which restores a normal blood pressure), joints.

"Cedar SAP –Elixir Of Life could be used as a prevention of cholecystitis, colitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and intestines. As well the Elixir restores a metabolism and increases the overall tone, energy level in a human. After several weeks of everyday’ consumption all glands and organs of human body start to work better and more efficiently. The next benefit of the Elixir usage is the regeneration of cells based on their detoxication. Sometimes after several weeks of consumption a possible exacerbation of chronic diseases were observed. If this is a case for you, then cleaning should be stopped for a month and start again. Second time cleansing is usually go much easier.

The cleansing efficiency depends on what you eat during this time. It is advisable to eat fresher, raw foods and reduce consumption of red meat and bakery products.

Cleansing system in general is very simple. It does not create stressful situations for the body, but gently and slowly involves a process of cleansing and healing at the cellular level. When you start to consume the Elixir on daily basis, first gain you get is a boost of the immune system. The number of phagocytes into your blood stream which are responsible for destroying parasites, bacteria and viruses, will increase dramatically resulting in providing body with extra energy that previously was spent on fighting with such viruses and bacteria.


In the morning of the first day of scheduled cleansing consume 2 drops of the Elixir on empty stomach 30 minutes before meal. If you cannot tolerate the bitter taste, you can accompany it with 1 oz. of water. The next day, drink 4 drops. On the third day — 6 drops, and so every day you have to add 2 more drops. Such Detox was designed for 40 days. On the 40th day you should get 80 drops in the morning. From that day start to reduce the consumption dose by 2 drops down per day. In general, the total cleansing lasts for 79 days. In the first 40 days, you gradually get to get a new YOU. At this time your cells are healed and restored on the DNA level. 

For the next 40 days you are staying on a new level, usually at this time a person feels the effect of cleansing- being young and happy. 

Number of drops showed for the person of average build weighing up to 80 kg(176 lbs). To complete the entire detox you are going to consume 2 bottles of the Elixir. If you weigh is between 80kg(176 lbs) and  100 kg(220 lbs), then you need to consume 3 drops per day initially and to  add with 3 drops, then you are going to have  3 bottles.

If your weight is 100 kg(220 lbs) and more, proceed with 4 drops of the Elixir daily and  you will need to have 4 bottles.

Participating in detox program with The Elixir Of Life you should maintain the water/salt balance in your body, e.g.: to drink with at least 1.5 liters of clean boiled water without gas daily. For the period of detox with The Elixir Of Life a salt-free diet is absolutely prohibited.

Recommended dosage for cleansing is provided on the following below table. Every day you should add 2 drops to the dose of the previous day.

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SORE THROAT. Lubricate the tonsils wound on a stick with cotton soaked in Elixir. Repeat the procedure every 4-6 hours. At the first sign RUB the oil on the outside and in the region of the tonsils. You can make a compress for 10-15 minutes.

PROSTATITIS AND ADENOMA. To introduce into the rectum a wick of gauze and cotton wool soaked with oil, and leave to the stool. RUB in the crotch area. The course of treatment for 40-50 days. Can be repeated after 3-4 months. Effective micro clysters with Elixir.

INFLAMMATION OF THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE. RUB the oil about the course of the nerve and acupressure points 4-5 times a day. During inflammation, are deep in the soft tissues, apply a compress with Elixir for 15-20 minutes. At the same time take 15 drops 3 times a day on empty stomach. The course of treatment is  5-7 days up to 2 months.

BLOOD PRESSURE STABILISATION. Treatment should start with one time usage of 3 drops. Then gradually bring up to 3 single doses of 4-5 drops each. At the age of 40 the course of treatment is 30 days, above 40 —45-50 days. Recommended application time is 2-3 weeks of treatment after 1-1,5 months of rest.

ANGINA. ARRHYTHMIA, TACHYCARDIA. At the beginning of the attack to drip on the palm of 10-15 drops of the Elixir to make a rubbing of the heart and until the mid-lateral line on the left. As a preventive, supportive means to produce a rubbing of Elixir on a monthly basis taking 15 drops 1 time a day.

Diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (colitis, anatsidnyh gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, etc.). The first 56 days, take 6 drops of the Elixir in the morning on empty stomach 15 minutes before eating. If the body does not appear sharp rejects reactions, increase the dose to 10 drops 3 times a day: 7-9,12-13,18-20 hours. Course duration is 30 days, 2-3 courses help to restore intestinal flora to get rid of dysbiosis. It heals not only the stomach and intestines, but as well the liver, pancreas, kidneys. At high acidity of possible discomfort. For a more complete recovery of the digestive tract, it is recommended to take the course of enemas.

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MASSAGE. Elixir is used for all kind of massages and cosmetic purposes. The usage in massage strengthens the processes of regeneration, helps relieve fatigue, increase vitality and health. Applying it on the skin for cosmetic purposes gives skin elasticity, helps eliminate fine lines and pigmentation and has a rejuvenating effect. When cosmetic massage of face, neck, chest and shoulder massage the muscles of the face and neck are tightened.

BURNS. To impregnate with Elixir dressing and apply to the burn. Sun burn, in case of scalding with boiling water or steam should lubricate the skin with Elixir.

The HEMORRHOIDS. Put Elixir on impregnated pad of bandage or cotton wool to enter the rectum. Outer nodes to massage with oil. Effective micro clysters with.

FLU. For prevention during an epidemic use 2-4 times a day, take 3-5 drops of Elixir. In case of illness RUB on the chest, back, legs, arms, with emphasis on biologically active points (along the nose outside, under the nose). To repeat the procedure every 5-6 hours, i.e. 4 times a day

ARI. On the index finger apply a few drops of Elixir to make a rubbing of the skin in the projection of the sinuses at the base of the nose wings, submandibular and occipital regions, where a large number of biologically active points. Rubbing is not only curative, but also preventive effect. After some time, repeat the procedure. At the same time to bury the nose with 2-3 drops of Elixir.

WEEPING ECZEMA. To lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day, while taking inside of 15-30 drops 3 times a day.

TROPHIC ULCERS. With deep ulcers wicks from the bandage impregnated with Elixir, and insert as deeply as possible so that the healing process began from the depths. As you heal wicks become closer to the surface. At the same time to take the Elixir 3 times a day for 15-30 drops.

Lthe first signs of illness to impose on the affected area soak a bandage in Elixir, cover compress paper, bandage and leave for 1-2 days.

DRY ECZEMA AND STREPTODERMA. Lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day. At the same time to take the Elixir 3 times daily 15-20 drops. The course of treatment is at least 30 days.

MASTITIS. Elixir rubbed on the area of the nidus. Then apply a compress with the Elixir. At the same time to take 15-30 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is not less than 2-3 months.

POLYARTHRITIS. Daily intensive massage rubbing Elixir into the affected joints and taking the Elixir inside gives a powerful healing effect. The effect becomes much stronger if added the chopped salt grinder (1 teaspoon per 100 ml of Elixir). Salt may cause skin irritation at the site of rubbing, so it is recommended to try on safe area as a test. In the absence of skin irritation treatment to be continue. At the same time to take the Elixir in the morning on an empty stomach  15 drops.

OSTEOCHONDROSIS, RADICULITIS. Twice a year - spring and fall — to conduct courses of massage with Elixir for 12-15 sessions. Prophylactically 4-5 times a month to RUB the Elixir in the steam bath after using fir broom.

PLEXITIS. It is recommended to massage with Elixir.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Individual intolerance of components.

ELIXIR CAN BE TAKEN BY CHILDREN. For children under 6 we recommend one part of Elixir to mix with 3 parts of purified vegetable oil. But also consult with your physician.

Information provided was not proven by FDA.

Storage conditions: store in dark dry place at temperature from +5 to +20 °C, after opening the bottle — at t +5 to +18 °C.

The shelf life and date of manufacture indicated on the packaging.

Sole North American Distributor Carte Blanche WCA, Inc.

2247 East 27 Str., Brooklyn, NY 11229 T. 646-402-4558

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