I used to exchange emails with Dr. Munschauer for years. She told me very personal things about herself. Here is an email where she confesses about an unethical affair with her psychologist that ruined her life. She was telling me this at the SAME TIME that I was having an affair with my psychologist! She used to be a student at Harvard under Dr. Richard Geist, who I was seeing individually as well as doing "couples therapy" with the psychologist I was having the affair with. The affair also RUINED MY LIFE!!! And what's WORSE is that Dr. GEIST both encouraged and supported the unethical affair!! HE ALSO STUCK UP FOR THE SHRINK THAT WAS HAVING SEX WITH ME, TAKING HIM ON AS HIS OWN PATIENT!!!!! DR. GEIST' BEGGED ME NOT TO REPORT HIM TO THE BOARD!! Not only did I report him, but I SUED HIM!!!!
Here is Dr. Munchauer's email to me:
Well, it happened to me.?I was 21.?I had an Austin Riggs analyst 20 yrs. older than me. Erotic feelings developed.?He stepped into my?welcoming flattered arms.??We didn't know as much back then.
Greenson had not written yet.???It wrecked all my future choices of men for my whole life, though for years I could not see this. I was flattered. Felt he had rescued my horrible body image, my sense of being a boring woman that no man would ever love.?I felt enhanced for about 20 years till I realized my choices stank.
I was always drawn to big strong psychopathic men suddenly:?idols with clay feet. It took years before I felt not augmented by this hot and flattering affair with a brilliant analyst who gave me signed books by Rappaport and Erickson and others, and that he had ruined my life.?It has never been the same.
?But it?is never the patients'?job to stop the sexuality.???The patient is dependent, turning for help and the therapist needs lots of therapy for letting his vulnerability and neediness?cross over the line to the woman's lap.?I was never so happy, never felt so beautiful and sexy. But he did not look back.?I was a stream of Styrofoam cups he kept exchanging, sans shedding a tear. He ruined my life. I was 22 and he was 42.??I was in seventh heaven.???Till now, too late, he warped my psyche.