Shri Krishna's not so known stories
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Once, on Shri Krishna’s birthday, there was a big preparation for a great celebration with dance, music, and the works. A huge number of people had gathered. But Shri Krishna just sat in the house, not willing to participate. Shri Krishna is always game for any kind of celebration but that day, somehow he was unwilling. Rukmini came and asked him, “What has happened to you, my Lord? What is it? You are not participating in the celebration?” shri Krishna said, “I have a headache.” We do not know whether he had one or not! Maybe he had one but he is capable of feigning one too.
Shri Krishna said, "Someone who loves me, you must take a little dust off your feet and wipe it on my head. It will become okay." Rukmini said, “Let’s call the physician.” So the doctors came. They tried to give him this medicine, that medicine. Shri Krishna said, “No, all these things won’t work for me.” Then people asked, “What should we do?” By then a lot of people had gathered. Satyabhama came, and Narada came, “What’s happened, what’s happened?” Everyone was anxious. “Shri Krishna has a headache, what should we do?”
Shri Krishna said, “Someone who loves me, you must take a little dust off your feet and wipe it on my head. It will become okay.” Satyabhama said, “What nonsense! I love you but there is no way I am going to take the dust off my feet and put it on your head. We cannot do such things.” Rukmini wept, “How can we do this? It is sacrilege. We cannot do this.” Narada backed off, “I do not want to do such things. You are the Lord himself. I do not know what is involved in this. We do not know what the trap is. I put the dust from my feet on your head and maybe burn in hell forever. I do not want to do such things.”
The word spread. Everyone was horrified. “We are not going to do such things. We love him alright but we do not want to go to hell by doing such a thing.” The celebration was waiting for Shri Krishna to come but Shri Krishna was just sitting there with a headache. Then the news went to Vrindavan and the Gopis came to know that Shri Krishna had a headache. "There must be some cure!" Their beautiful lotus petal-shaped eyes darted back and forth and they sounded breathless. Narada paused, reluctant to face the same rejection that he had encountered with the Queens of Dwaraka.
He was spurred on by the dismayed look on Sri Radha's face. "The only cure…is that the dust from the feet of Shri Krishna's devotees should be placed on his forehead. Then and only then will his suffering be brought to an end." Relief bloomed across the lotus of Sri Radha's face and an effulgent smile graced her lips. "Is that all?! Here, take this, immediately!' Sri Radha bent to the dust of Vrindavan which had been made muddy by the recent rains and dug her hand into a footprint that she left. Her reddish palms were tinged a rosy brown from the dust as she scraped a few handfuls into the pot that she was carrying. With a hopeful smile, she handed the pot to Narada Muni with both hands. "Please, take this oh sage, and cure the headache of my beloved Shri Krishna."
Narada received the pot from her but contained his joy with a doubting look. "If you give me this remedy, then there is every possibility that you will go to hell." Sri Radha looked confused. "My dear Narada, why are you hesitating? My Lord is suffering." Narada was shocked by the determination of Sri Radha. "Aren't you afraid of going to hell my dear girl?""It does not matter. I would gladly dwell in hell as long as I know that the suffering of my Lord will be mitigated." Narada gladly took the pot back to Shri Krishna. Placing the dust from Sri Radha's feet on his forehead, Shri Krishna was immediately granted relief from his headache. Shri Krishna always made it clear what he valued most. Though he moved among kings, though kingdoms were offered to him, he did not take it. But this was most precious for him.
Lord Krishna did Sadhana of Lord Mahadev to obtain the son for his consort Jambavati when she was unable to give birth to any child while remaining Saptabharyas had their children. So, shiva was pleased and offered him boon of his rudransh, who was born in his Kula named Samba. Lord shiva already warned Krishna that my Rudransh is meant for destruction but both Krishna and Shiva knew already that how Samba will bring destruction to clan of Yadu Kula. (Shiva Mahapuran and Shrimad Bhagwad )
If you read the original Mahabharata instead of watching serials, you will realize that lord Shri Krishna actually tried to make Duryodhana good , but he did not listen , even Dhritharashtra and Gandhari tried to make him good but he did not listen to anyone , because Duryodhana was incarnation of Kali purusha, he had all negative characters like ego, anger, lust, jealousy and many more , he was a person of dwapara yuga , but had qualities of kali yuga, even if god himself explained him, Duryodhana did not listen , everyone understood Shri Krishna is not a normal person , but still Duryodhana refused to believe that Shri Krishna was god, similarly even in kaliyuga , if god himself comes in front of you also, people would not believe in god. Jay Shri Krishna
It also reminds me of Barasana's Lattha Maar Holi in which around Holi festival, Radharani's village women, of Barsana, playfully beat their dear ones (men, here) with a long strong stick, and poor men have a round shield to protect themselves, they are not allowed to use the stick. That's teasing and playing a very different Holi, the inspiration behind this is - naughty Krishna sometimes deserved that treatment from Radha.
Academy for Career Excellence
2 年Interesting share Kishoreji. The lord has his own ways. Jai Shri Krishna
All these events are very true, indeed. Pure love, devotion and service of Radha and Krishna for each other, is the cure to any ailment like ignorance and sufferings that arise due to ignorance. The pain was a test which true love and a pure soul could only go through. Another incident that i remember about Sri Radha- Krishna, his complexion was not white like Radha, he's called Shyam, the name he got because his body's color is like twilight blue, slightly/ deeply dark, he has Shyam Varna (settling blue colour of evening). Whereas Radha was like Moon, white and silver, like pearl. They love each other infinitely, but for younger Krishna, it was quite a challenge to express it to Radha, so the always naughty boy turned to his mother Yashoda and innocently said- I am not beautiful like her, she will not like me. Yashoda maa said- why don't you ask this question to her, how do I know whether she likes you or not, if I go and ask her that she'll say she loves you, only to not disrespect me. But Maa did that in a different way, told Radha that he was unwell and feeling lonely. And Radharani rushed to her beloved & expressed her true pure love. Like the balm. What would you call that, Krishna's lila like the headache incident? ????