Shri Krishna says "I shall come back in every age"?

Shri Krishna says "I shall come back in every age"

Shri Krishna has come thousands of times. This is what he himself says: Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 4.7–8: ??? ??? ?? ??????? ???????????? ???? ? ?????????????????? ????????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ? ????????? ? ?????????????????? ??????? ???? ???? ?

“Whenever righteousness or goodness declines due to the rise of evil, then I come. For the protection of the good people and destruction of evil people, for re-establishing Dharma, I am born in every age and era.” So all the events of history when heroes came to the rescue of defenseless people to fight against oppressors, corruption, invaders, religious fanatics and other evil people, are events when we see Shri Krishna in action. Big and small. Every time anyone has stood up against injustice, and wrong ideas and interpretations of Dharma, and twisting of facts and denigration of Dharma, that is Shri Krishna in action.

Therefore, Shri Krishna has not said he will show up once just one fine day. He comes everyday in many different forms and shapes. The more important question is when will the Good Lord Jesus Christ come? Because he said he will come 2000 years after his crucifixion, and by all accounts that hasn’t happened yet. It is Shri Vishnu comes in new Avatar. Once he takes a new incarnation, it is not difficult to identify him to the great personalities. Every time God descends to the earth, so many deities also take incarnation in different forms as devotees and followers. This is how we can recognize the Avatar. According to the spiritual texts, the next avatar of Lord Vishnu is Kalki, who once again establishes Sanatan Dharma in the world. Shri Krishna is the avatar of Shri Vishnu.

It is said that the 10th avatar of Vishnu is Kalki Avatar which has not taken birth yet. Since Shri Krishna is the avatar of Shri Vishnu and the 10th avatar of Shri Vishnu, i.e. Kalki Avatar has not been formed, thus we could say that Lord Krishna will be back again. Though technically, saying so will not be correct. As to how we can recognise him, I am sure if something like this happens then God will eventually show himself like he has done in all of his previous births.

The doctrine of ‘Avatarhood’ is a difficult thing for the deluded minds to accept because the ‘Avatar’ is not a supernatural being. Moreover, in His Divine Revelations there is no place altogether for supernatural power ( the intention to overrule the Universal, Natural Laws), no chance for myth and mysticism or performance of miracles as depicted in the mythologies( Puranas) of all religions.

It is hardly possible to recognize Him because of His evident humanity— at once human and divine. In His life-time very few enlightened seers ( Vijnanis, Divyachakshuwan Tattvadarshi Acharyas ) acknowledge His Divine Life and Mission. The ‘Avatar’ is the unique manifestation ( Vishesha Vibhuti ) , the incomparable Divine Hero, the highest fulfillment of divine excellence and beauty, the living embodiment of the Vishwarupa Paramatman. Even the great men of the world fail to recognize Him.

I believe that whenever the next avatar of Shri Vishnu appears he will in some sense be a part of Shri Krishna back to earth. So, according to me when Gautam Buddha was alive, Shri Krishna too was on this earth in some form. Next time, when I believe Shri Krishna will be back is when Kalki will arrive. The arrival of Kalki will denote the end of Kali Yuga as we know it and mark the beginning of the Satya Yuga.

Basically each Avatar is not to be treated as historical person or even a person at all. It is quality of a dominant and life supportive universal consciousness. Universe(s) go thru endless cycles like days and nights. Each cycle has 4 stages. Sat-yuga is the purest and brightest age in terms of virtues. Like noon of sunny day. Rama consciousness is the avatar for the purest stage. Dwapar-yuga is like dusk and dawn, colorful, celebratory and charming. That is time for Shri Krishna consciousness.

Kali-yuga is night, the sleep time. Buddha avatar, the meditative consciousness, marks beginning (before midnight) as well as end of night (before the daybreak). The darkest hour of night is when virtues are sparse or even crucified and my belief is that Christ is avatar that saves us from the darkest moments. Also (IMO) Islam too had constructive place and purpose of confronting the corrupt priest orders that preyed on certain societies in darker times.

So which “hour” are we at in this cosmic day? It can be only a speculation, but seems like darkest hours have passed. We are not as violent and cruel as we were few thousand years ago. My guess is that we are at a crack of new dawn and experiencing a surge of meditative (Buddha) consciousness. Irrespective of place and tradition, more and more people seem to meditate and take on self discovery. It should pave in the way for another celebratory and colorful sunrise of Shri Krishna consciousness. And so cosmic days will go on…Cheers!

So much of this rings true to me. Have you heard of Bahá’u’lláh and the Baha’i faith? Maybe its possible Shri Krishna has returned. Bahai’s believe Hod Manifests Himself into this world through Manifestations. Shri Krishna was one and God sends the same spirit down in every age but with a different name. Read, reflect, ponder the Baha’i teachings and determine for yourself. You would not want to miss having access to the Message for this age so its worth looking into.



