Shri Ganapati Atharvshirsh significance

Shri Ganapati Atharvshirsh significance

I have been reciting Ganpati Atharvashirsh once everyday while doing puja in the morning for may be last more than 50 years. I do not know whether I have benefitted from recitation of Atharvashirsh and do not expect any benefits in future. The recitation has now become my habit. The only thing I want now in life is a peaceful retired life without any health problem and quiet death at the designated time. I do not know whether daily recitation of Atharvashirsh will benefit me at that time. It is supposed to make you calm and stable in life. Tharv means hot, Atharva means cool. Atharvashirsh means one with cool head. I volunteer to chant 21 times avartan each year during Ganesha Chaturthi festival at our house. It's that time of the year, I get immense joy. Atharvashirsha is a mantra chant praising the existence of Lord Ganesha considering him the Lord first worshipped among all others. Gana-dheesh meaning adhipati of Gana i.e. Lord of Lords,

Lord of intelligence, Lord of all wealth, Lord of Peace. Avartan means repeated chants like multiples of 11 ,21 or sahastra meaning 1000 avartana (Repeated chants) will yield you utmost peace,blessings and whatever you desire positive in your life. A hawan with Sahastra avartan will cleanse your mind,body and soul! Yes I have experienced it as a Brahmin several times. May lord Ganesha bestow you with the wisdom you seek to attain peace & whatsoever you deserve & desire in Life.

Chanting anything your mind remembers and it feels focused and sleepy. It is good for getting sleep and sound health. Belief is the main key and it does not matter to what you believe and it also doesn't matter whether your belief is true or not. Only the belief is necessary and enough. Regarding Atharvashirsh, it is designed to send a message about it's true essence and not the repetition at all.

Belief is the key and understanding meaning and Essence of Atharvashirsh is the ending of Atharvashirsh as well because it has conveyed it's reality. Now you repeat and repeat everyday for 100 years or you can have that Essence and meaning instantly is the true meaning but the essence cannot be told by others doesn't matter how big or divine Human being the other is because it is Not to be told to anyone who doesn't have the capacity and caliber to understand and live righteously. Can't tell to anyone the essence except to Shishya who is capable and that has been clearly mentioned in all 5 Atharvashirsh.

Tharva means moving and Atharva means 'non-moving topam'! In simple terms, Atharvashirsh means a head with a stable intellect! Ganesha worshipers believe that recitation of Atharvashirsh stabilizes the intellect and mind. Work done with a steady and determined mind is always successful. Confidence grows, a person becomes humble. Ganesha worshipers believe that such a person starts looking for opportunities even in difficulties.

We always see that people who succeed in life always look for opportunities in difficulties and people who fail in life always find difficulties when opportunities arise. Recitation of Atharvashirsh concentrates the mind. So this might be happening. It is in our hands to increase the strength of our mind. The human mind is a great wonder. Many people's minds are not in the present while doing this work. A person who always crosses the road properly, if his mind is not in the present, he does not see the oncoming vehicle while crossing the road and an accident occurs. It is necessary to always keep the mind in the present tense and steady. If the mind is strong along with the body, then we can overcome the difficulties. If the mind is still, we can do everything by keeping it in the present.

Many times, though the human body is in the present, the mind wanders in the past or the future. If the mind is in the past, it keeps remembering similar sad events. And if the mind is in the future, one starts facing anxiety. Our body exists in the present, but the mind has to try to manage the burden of past sorrows and future worries. Then the work done by human hands is not done properly. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the intellect and mind steady. Ganesha worshipers believe that this work is achieved by chanting Atharvashirsh.

Atharvashirsh is recited once, eleven times, twenty one times or a thousand times. Have you ever recited the verse of Atharvashirsh There is no problem to experience at least once. ?If you are a devotee then you will understand what I am saying.If you are not a devotee and see everything from a scientific point of view, you will definitely like Atharvashirsh. Because in Atharvashirsh Ganesha is the nature of this world! It has been said that the Pancha Mahashakti is Prithvi, Aap, Tej, Vayu and Akash. Saying that this nature means God will definitely suit your scientific approach. It can also be said that nature will protect us only if we protect this nature.

The original Sri Ganapati Atharvashirsh is in Sanskrit. Let us see its English translation today. 'O God, let us hear good things with our ears. May the eyes see well. May the life given by God (nature) with healthy limbs and bodies be spent in praise of God (nature). The best Indra protects us. The enlightened sun blesses us. Garuda, the destroyer of calamities, blesses us. Jupiter blesses us. Peace be with you everywhere. Salutations to Lord Ganesha. You are Brahman. You are the creator of all things. You are the sustainer of creation.

You are also the destroyer (of creation). All these forms of Brahman are really You. You are the eternal Self. I speak the right (the same), I speak the truth (the same). you protect me Protect me who speaks of you. Protect me who hears your name. Protect me who gives (donations). Productive (such) protect me. Protect the disciple who worships (thee). Protect me from the west. Protect me from the east. Protect me from the north. Protect me from the south. Protect me from above. Protect me from below. Protect me from all sides, in all ways.

You are Vedadi Ved. maya. You are the form of consciousness. You are Brahman. You are Sat, Chit, Ananda swarup You are unique. You are Brahman in reality. You are knowledgeable. All this world is created from you. All this world is stable only by your support. All this world beats in you. All this world originates from you again. You are the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind and sky. ?Also you are the four voices (Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari). You are beyond the three gunas (sattva, raja and tama).

You are beyond the three bodies (gross, subtle and bliss). You are beyond all three times (past, present and future). You are fixed as the basic foundation of creation. You are beyond all three forces (origin, state and rhythm). Yogis always meditate on you. ?You are Brahma, You are Vishnu, You are Rudra, You are Indra, You are Bhuloka, You are Bhuvarloka, You are Swarloka and Om (all these). The initial 'G' in the word Gana should be pronounced first and then 'A'.

After that one should recite Anusvara. It should be like a half moon. It should be accompanied by star mantra (om kar). This whole mantra becomes 'Om Gam'. This is the nature of your mantra. 'G' is the pre-form of mantra. 'A' is the middle of the mantra. Anusvara is the culmination of the mantra. The crescent point is the northern form. A naad is formed from these (gakaradi) charas. This sound also coincides. That is Ganesha Vidya.

The sage of this mantra was 'Ganak'. 'Nichrid Gayatri' is the chant of this mantra. Ganapati is a deity. Salutations to Ganesha who is represented by the mantra 'Om Ga'. We know that one. He meditates on that curve. So may that Ganesha inspire us. He who has one tooth and three hands holding the noose, the bridle and the tooth, and the fourth hand for offering. of which the rat is the vehicle. Whose body color is red and big belly, ears like snake, who wears red clothes. Angola is planted with red sandalwood, worshiped with red flowers, full of mercy towards devotees, imperishable, created before creation,

One who meditates on such a Ganesha, who is different from Prakritipurusha, is the best of all meritorious ones. Salutations to the Chief of the Vrats (Vratapatis). Salutations to the ruler of the deva community, salutations to the ruler of the Sankaragana community (Pramathapati). Salutations to Ganapati Lambodar, Ekdanta, Vighnanashi, Shivaputra, Varadamurthy. Even if one reads this English translation of this Ganpati Atharvashirsha composed thousands of years ago, one is amazed at the intelligence of the composer and ?Along with Lord Ganesha, our hands are easily folded in respect to offer salutations to him. Om Gan Ganpataye Namah


