Shred it. Don't Wipe It.
Dell Rabinowitz
Secure,Award Winning Electronic Recycling. NO CHARGE! Try us. You will be thrilled. WBENC CERTIFED
There is a big difference in wiping and shredding.
Take a piece of paper and write on every line with a number two pencil. Write your address, social security number and drivers license number over and over. Turn the page over and fill the back side with personal information also. Now, take a a large pink eraser and start erasing the words you just wrote. Go ahead. I will wait.
Did you do a good job? Did you erase it well? Is the piece of paper ready to be reused? Or can you read most of it. Go ahead;. donate this page to a worthy cause for reuse. May I assume that you wouldn't want to let some stranger have it? Why not? Of course, I am trying to make a point.
All the hard drives that we pick up or brought to us by individuals are shredded.
Wiping, erasing or sanitizing just isn't good enough.
That's how Urban E Recycling feels about wiping hard drives. We don't do it. All the hard drives that we pick up or brought to us by individuals are shredded.Too much data can be left on the hard disks. Certification is just as important. Proof that the hard drives data is destroyed completely is also necessary for record keeping. Our records and your records. Video verification is a plus. Seeing your customer's personal data being shredded into pieces is final validation.
Shredding hard drives, serial numbers and video verification is a lot to ask of an electronic recycler.
The cost of this kind of documentation is expensive. The whole process is expensive but not to businesses in Orlando, Sarasota and Tampa Bay. This kind of detailed operation is what you get with Urban E Recycling. We do not charge for our services. Why? We need your material. The precious and semiprecious metal that are exacted from these electronics makes Urban E Recycling a profitable business.
We are proud to announce that Urban E Recycling has new location in Orlando. We will be serving the area with
- Pickup at business locations,
- Data destruction with certification and video verification, and
- Responsible recycling of electronics.
Our Services are at NO CHARGE.
Shred it. Don't Wipe it.
Start looking for our trucks.
Our Orlando location will serve the greater middle areas and the east coast of Florida.