Showmanship - learners’ preference for people putting on a show
Alexandru Ghita
Entrepreneur with expertise in strategic and financial planning and cross functional team leadership
In my last post I mentioned a few trends I’m seeing in the education space.
Let’s take a closer look at what I call Showmanship - learners' preference for people putting on a show.?
For me, you’re a show-man (or woman) if you’re very extroverted, very transparent with your life / activities (way more than an average person), highly opinionated, using visual media (most often video) and you are carefully crafting your messages in order to evoke in your audience a specific emotion.
I start from an empirical observation: we regularly organize masterclasses for our students at EA, inviting top entrepreneurs and corporate business leaders to share their experience and [business] battle lessons. As managers of the initiative, we choose our guests taking into account their business accomplishments and we are very happy when they generously give their time to our students.
However, at the receiving end, the initial reaction of the students (before actually meeting our speakers) is sometimes less than 100% enthusiastic.
Exploring the gap between our and their enthusiasm, one key element comes up again and again: “Who is this guy / girl?” ??
And that’s where it becomes clear that we often operate with very distinct reference frameworks. For us, the relevant references are the historical business accomplishments; for our students, the relevant reference is a quick check to see their media presence (Instagram / Tik Tok / YouTube). If they can’t find our guests easily or at all, or if they find their presence to be limited / not spectacular, then they quickly jump to a “not impressed / why should I bother” starting point. And then we have our work cut out for us to “sell” the idea that the interaction might be worthwhile.?
So, for this generation of learners (in their early 20s) it’s not enough that you have built companies, created hundreds of jobs, generated millions (tens, hundreds) in sales to qualify one as a relevant teacher / model. If you don’t have a smooth presence on Insta / TikTok / YouTube, you “don’t matter”. I’m exaggerating a bit, but not much. Having a strong media game is conflated with having a strong business acumen / being worthy to learn from.
Which raises a range of questions, among which:
So, what’s the answer to this conundrum?
I don’t know for sure. ??
But I’m considering that perhaps the answer to this challenge will be a technological solution with psycho-emotional implications: AI personalized learning. One could argue that it might be a better option than a showman / star that you deeply resonate with. An always-on, always-giving-you-what-you-need, 100% customized-to-your-whims tutor that deeply resonates with you ??, with the ability to create whatever form of input you might need in a particular moment: text, sound, image, video and everything it can build on the spot with these elements. Our very own, built-to-our-preference show-men or women that can teach us anything we desire / need whenever is convenient for us.
What would tip the balance of preference for you between:
A) A classical, proven academic model;?
B) The star power of show-men/women teachers / models;?
C) A built-to-your-preference AI universal tutor?
Alexandru, thanks for sharing!