Showing your moxy
Hi there,
Thanks for subscribing to Moxy Matters.
Since this was our first official edition, I wanted to share our three most recent Moxy Vlogs.
Normally, you would just receive the latest vlog including a link and overview (depending if you prefer to read or watch).
However, given that we’re just getting to know each other, I thought it would be useful to catch you up. Besides, you wouldn’t want to miss out on these ones…
Be brave
Be bold
Be different
And make time for yourself today - you're worth it!
Why your team might be feeling very different to you
Why is leadership so hard to get right?
Because we don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are...? ?
???People don't remember what you said
???They won't remember (or even know) what you did
???They just remember how they felt
Hang on a sec, that's not the final line! Shouldn't it be how you made them feel? Well spotted. However the edit is intentional. Sometimes you can do and say everything right yet still get it terribly wrong.
Best intentions from leaders can result in hours of senior discussions rather dedicating time to truly listen to what people need.
Sound familiar?
If so, consider thinking differently about helping your team. Instead of searching for solutions, ask and truly listen to what make the most difference to them.
You might be surprised at what you learn?
Why we need to be prepared to fall
Now you’re the most experienced 'expert', are you more worried than ever about getting things wrong? ?
If you are, you’re not alone. When we learn something new, especially early in our lives/careers: ?
?? We’re prepared to ask the silly questions
?? We’re prepared to get things wrong
?? We’re prepared to fall once in a while ?
Then we reach senior leadership positions and are scared to show that we don’t know the answer or risk getting things wrong.
That’s why it’s critical to have someone you can let your guard down with. ?
However senior you are, it’s still ok to turn to someone for support, for guidance, or just to say, woah, this is a little bit unlike anything I've done before!
If you’re not sure who that person is right now, then feel free to drop me a line...
Stop reading and start walking?
How often do you get away from your desk each day??
Come on, be honest now.?
The truth is it’s too easy to never leave our desk, especially when we're working from home.?I regularly hear from senior comms leaders how they had great intentions of getting out to walk, but then got busy and the day slipped away.
?Good intentions alone aren’t enough, so here are three things you can try:?
?? 1. Start your day with a walk (and before the day gets inevitably busy)
?? 2. Plan in a walk with purpose (having a reason to get out really helps)
?? 3. Introduce walking meetings (no distractions means undivided attention)?
Oh and keep a warm coat and wellies by the front door to avoid making bad weather excuses - especially given the weather this month!?
Whatever gets you out and about, you’ll be thankful that you did...
What is Moxy?
Brilliant leadership doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the right blend of skill, strategy and something just a little bit special. That’s where you need to show your moxy.
When you show your moxy you have the confidence of your own conviction. You trust your instincts and do things your way, even if that’s differently.
Why not test your moxy as a communications leader with our free quiz - it only takes a few minutes and you'll receive a personalised priorities report.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and watch the Moxy Vlogs. It just leaves me to remind you to
Be brave
Be bold
Be different?
And find some time for yourself, you’re worth it
? Moxy Communications Ltd 2023 All rights reserved