Showing Up For Yourself
Betty Withrow
As your book creation coach, I will be with you every step of the way. Content creation | Editing | Ghost writing| | Video coaching and production | Clarity and momentum that brings it all together.
What about that great idea you had for a piece of writing? You know, the one that keeps showing up, but so far it's only an idea.?And it's kind of bugging you that you still haven't done anything about it yet.?At odd moments, a feeling of frustration pops in and the next thing you know, you still haven't done it...again.?You're subtly annoyed, or maybe not so subtly.?Somebody else that you know has not only written their piece, but gotten it out into the world and is getting results!?This makes it even worse, as you are now suffering from peer anxiety and a fear of falling short on your own goals.
Procrastination is the black hole of creativity.?It takes all of your good ideas and siphons them off to nowhere.?Is that where you want them to go??Of course not.?You want your ideas to go onto the page where they can be seen and thought about, where you can create the influence that makes it all happen. Your writing can be the doorway to bigger things in your life, but you have to walk through the door.
A simple shift in your process can make all the difference.
Here's a quick way to overcome the putting off of your dream...or, of the thing you dread doing and you know you have to do it anyway.
At some point during the day, your energy shifts from one state into another. For me, it's in the early afternoon, after the morning processes are handled and I'm ready for a different kind of flow.?this may be completely different for you. the point is, that you find a place where you can carve out twenty minutes, and keep that twenty minutes for the thing you want to accomplish.?Just about all of us have twenty minutes that is not being used to its best advantage, so take that twenty minutes back and make it your own.
At the same time every day, go to a place where you will work on the project.?If possible, have it be a special area where you only do that.?If you don't have that, create a marker by moving something on the desk, getting a cup of tea or coffee, changing the lighting, something that lets your brain know it is entering the creative solutions-oriented state.?Then, put in that twenty minutes for whatever it is that you want to accomplish.?
At the end of the twenty minutes, STOP.?Move something on the desk back to its position, stand up, stretch, and give yourself a small reward. Thank yourself for showing up.
DO NOT push on through, thinking that if you only put int another ten minutes or another hour, you will finish.?If you do, the next time you sit down, your mind is going to rebel, since you didn't keep the promise you made last time. "Hey, you said twenty minutes and I was here for an hour.?No dice, boss!"?You don't want to hear this from your own mind!?
Before long, your will have the habit of showing up for yourself, and your mind will look forward to this time.?Your emotions will shift as you get in the groove.
This is one of the techniques I use as I guide my clients through their writing processes.?there are lots of ways to get your writing to happen, instead of not happening.?
Reach out to me and let's talk about my favorite question..."What do you want this to do?"