Showing up does work: City of Vaughan’s Northern and Central Italy Mission continues
The City of Vaughan's Italy delegation wrapped up with meetings in Milan with Maxime Therien, Canada's Consul to Milan, and Nicoletta D'Arcangelo, Trade Commissioner with the Government of Canada. The Consul of Canada in Milan opened its offices in the fall of 2023, and is working to advance bilateral trade and commercial activities between Canada and the Milan region. A critical takeaway from these discussions was a reminder that "showing up works" – and in doing so, cities, like Vaughan, are building genuine, lasting relationships with global businesses, industry associations, stakeholders, elected officials and other levels of government. The relationships founded during Vaughan's October 2023 economic development mission, which focused greatly on agri-food and food processing, helped set the agenda for the meetings unfolding over the past week.?
The 2024 delegation headed to Rome to begin the final portion of the mission by meeting with Giovanni Maria De Vita, co-ordinator of Tourism of the Roots program, Directorate General for Italians Abroad. Roots Tourism is an Italian government program that aims to offer travel experiences combined with research on family history and knowledge of the original culture of Italian ancestors. This meeting explored Vaughan’s diasporic ties to Italy and advanced support for the Vaughan’s Italian population. The ICCO Canada – Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario Canada will explore promotion of the Tourism of the Roots program to businesses.
Afterward, the delegation met with representatives from the Rome Chamber of Commerce. This meeting was an introductory to business investment and trade opportunities originating in Rome and the Lazio region and to advance Vaughan’s profile as a destination for trade and investment. These discussions served as a critical springboard for further business advisory meetings, led by Vaughan’s Economic Development staff, that took place throughout the afternoon with companies ranging from olive oil production to advanced manufacturing.
That evening, the delegation held a roundtable discussion at the Italian Parliament, joined by Senator Francesca La Marca and Member of the Chamber of Deputies Christian Di Sanzo, representing the Oversee Constituencies of North and Central America. This mandate means that these public officials represent the interests of Italian citizens living abroad and in communities like Vaughan, who vote in Italian elections. Intergovernmental relations are critical to Vaughan’s ability to serve the well-being of residents effectively, and this meeting provided another vital opportunity to engage, inform and address inquiries City Hall receives each day about top-of-mind issues for the public. ?
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