Shower Them With Flowers...That Is All

Shower Them With Flowers...That Is All

As all of the fun in the world continues…I continue to see with my own eyes and read about people getting violent and taking matters into their own hands and literally destroying property…which is WRONG and not the way to implement long-lasting change. Due to an incident that occurred at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, I wrote the article “Think Before You Act”.

Then again, I thought I was thinking before I sent the Cayuga County District Attorney Brittany Grome Antonacci a bouquet of flowers as a peace offering…and thought this would have been well-received, but apparently it unleashed yet another defamation campaign against me and the ongoing violation of my Constitutional rights and civil liberties…with no end in sight until all freedoms have been taken away.

I even added in a bonus gift with the bouquet of mixed roses by sending her some digital finger counters…you know the help her keep track of prosecutions and days in jail for everyday people who don’t play ball.

It could also be that the Cayuga County District Attorney’s Office also just does not have the same appreciation of having trees planted in their honor…I’m not sure what is going on with that whole line of thinking but it certainly does not point to the right way of doing GOOD things. Then again, based on my interactions now coming up on three years of dealing with all of this…I am not at all surprised to say the least.

I even tried making it easier for the Cayuga County District Attorney’s Office for reporting and providing community service related information, including showcasing the hard work the unethical and corrupt legal system was operating as well as doing free advertising and marketing for them so everyone knew about the types of services and support they provide to their community upon which they wish every child in Cayuga County could experience with their Sweet Elders.

When trying to decide on how best to show my appreciation to the efforts of this support structure, I continued following my philosophy of turning lemons into lemonade and settled on sending bouquets of flowers and cookie cakes. I purchased those online from the grocery store - Wegmans (similar to Krogers and others) who makes an effort to supply and sell locally made products. I thought to myself, what better way to show appreciation and make a peace offering than sending flowers the can be seen, smelled, and bring a happy feeling…or perhaps a cake made from scratch to bring back memories of being home…on top of supporting the local economy and yes, I gave the delivery drivers an extra tip out of my appreciation for them providing such a high level of customer service they showed with their deliveries.

Some people do not like to tip delivery drivers or taxi drivers based on the belief that is what they are getting paid to do…which is correct. Unfortunately in today’s Dog-Eat-Dog World…good customer service seems to be a thing of the past…which is why I like to tip people who go out of their way to provide good customer service. No over the top customer service that is obviously being done for one moment…as opposed to a lifetime habit that becomes automatic and simply points back to treating other people how you wish to be treated. It’s really not that complicated…but here we are when a simple act of sending a peace offering continues to be met with such abuse of power and disregard for Constitutional and Human Rights…in order for their own selfish pleasures at the expense of everyone else…including the children. Don’t blame me…Investigate Cayuga County for yourself.

Either way, besides sharing information about doing GOOD things like sending locally produced and sustainable products and gifts…especially peace offerings…I also thought I would share some other information that has been out in the public sector for at least a few decades. While I am absolutely in favor of making suggestions on sending bouquets of flowers…please do not send any white powdered donuts, cookies, or cakes as this caused quite a few problems a while ago. I especially felt bad for the U.S. Post Office and their staff as they took a beating - both physically, mentally, and financial when all of the stuff below started getting sent through the mail.

I can speak from personally experience too as an environmental health and safety professional given all of the “white powder emergency calls” I had to go out on…in many times in the middle of the night. I often wondered why campus police or firefighters thought the need to call me in to clean up the unknown “white powder” sitting next to their boxes of donuts or the housekeepers who did not want to clean up the “white powder” underneath the chalk board…and similar related items. Talk about a living nightmare during those days of the “anthrax scare”.

I truly hope that one was put to bed once and for all as that too was NOT the right way to go about things or exacting some twisted revenge on people who are hired to do their jobs as professionals. Personally, while I enjoy demonstrating to dumbasses just how dumb they are…I also try to keep in mind the broader impacts and implications and hence chose to send bouquets of flowers instead. How funny is it that one bouquet of flowers caused such negative reactions? I wonder what would happen if the Cayuga County District Attorney’s Office started receiving deliveries of bouquets of flowers every day?

It’s not like they would go to waste as they are organic and sustainable, they usually bring happiness and joy to people (unless they are allergic), they help support the local economy and give the paid delivery drivers more work…and if people are nice and tip those delivery drivers for providing good customer service…it all very much seems like a win-win situation to me…but what do I know? I am still being subjected to grotesque menacing and harassment by these people in their ongoing efforts at violations of my Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties, however, I chose flowers over other items and knowledge that I could have easily made a choice to send instead…but sent flowers as a POSITIVE message which…or course…resulted in me being harassed again by law enforcement on behalf on the Cayuga County District Attorney’s Office and the Cornell University administration.

While reflecting on all of the fun that Cayuga County and Cornell University continue to subject me too…I also thought it would be prudent to share some other knowledge as well. I thought I would provide some additional educational videos for further research and want to remind everyone…as always…to please only use any information I share for GOOD reasons and purposes. That being said, there is nothing wrong with having more knowledge tools in your toolbox in order for you to be prepared for whatever anyone throws your way.

One major side benefit of focusing your time, energy, and resources towards Hard work, Dedication, Training, and Education…is CONFIDENCE. With increased confidence in your knowledge, skills, capability, and better understanding…comes LEADERSHIP. True leaders are made at any level within an organization, state, or country and not solely made by birthright, genetics, or societal standing that was assigned by someone else.

The difference between those leaders who achieve their goals and accomplish their mission(s)…whatever they may be…can be simply stated as those who obtain knowledge and information and then take ACTION to do GOOD things…for other people and their communities.

It is not a complicated formula and anyone who puts their hearts in the right places and in an effort to promote and do GOOD things will be successful and if the energy and drive is there…then they will become the BEST leaders…not for themselves…but for what they can do to support their families, communities, cities, nations, or whatever.

None of these paths or journeys are easy and there will always be challenges and hurdles to overcome…and they will be overcome with Hard work, Dedication, Training, and Education and a the foresight and willingness to fight for what is GOOD and to defeat CHAOS at each and every step of the way…one day at a time…and most importantly…by Keeping The Faith.

Bon Jovi - Keep The Faith (Lyric Video)


Anthrax: Bacillus anthracis (6:10)

The Untold Story of the Anthrax Attacks In The Shadow of 9/11 (10:47)

Dr. Bruce Edwards Ivins: America's Unsolved Anthrax Mystery (21.29)

Anthrax Mailer Mystery - Deadly Intelligence - S01 EP01 - True Crime (42:58)


Ricin scares reminiscent of anthrax attacks (2:31)

Ricin Toxin: Poison of Choice Over the Years (1:14)

The Deadliest Toxins on Earth (10:45)

The Assassin's Favorite Plant (16:52)


What is Radioactivity and Is It Always Harmful: Explained in Really Simple Words (8:07)

Radioactivity in Sodium Free Salt (5:42)

Managing Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Industry (2:33)


Chemical Reactions Gone Wrong - Playlist

This article can also be found on the Substack newsletter: "Shower Them With Flowers...That Is All".

Jerry Gordon

Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional

2 周

Here is the support team for what is happening in Cayuga County, NY...(

Jerry Gordon

Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional

2 周
Jerry Gordon

Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional

2 周
Jerry Gordon

Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional

2 周
Jerry Gordon

Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional

3 周

Cayuga County Law Enforcement confirmed yesterday they have no intention on pursuing any action against Sweet, Inc. What would you do if it were your child?



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