Showcasing Our Authenticity
If you knew someone was not being their authentic self, how could you trust them?
Yet, often that's exactly what people do. Instead, they propose at an undisclosed time in the future in which they'll reveal their true self. However, the damage is already done. Individuals often restrain themselves because of poor past experiences and are scared or fear having judgement cast upon them. Or, they want to be someone / something they are not.
In a society that's always browsing, always looking for the next big thing, it's very easy for people to move on if you're too guarded too early on in your relationship. Instead, there's three things we can ensure we do in an effort to be real:
1: Do Some Soul Searching
Another more official term is to perform an internal review on yourself. If you don't know who you are, what you are, and what you're all about, how can you possibly showcase that to anyone else? Ensure you know who the real you is, not who you wish or want to be.
2: You Do You
Take the leap of faith and just own it. People are going to be more understanding and compassionate if they know who you really are. It allows you to build trust and rapport despite what you may feel their initial perception may be. Outside perceptions may actually be misinterpretations of you. If you're being authentic, just own it and stay the course.
3: Ignore The Noise
If you know who you are, what you are and what you're all about, then don't let the noise of others dissuade you from trying to be something you're not. If you do you, you'll be more confident and happier in the long term than if you sacrifice your authenticity for trying to make short-term gains.
To learn more about display your authentic self you can visit Pause. Think. Consider. and download or listen to today's episode on To Be Real - We've Got To Be Real.
About The Author
Jesse Liebman is the creator of the podcast project Pause. Think. Consider. You can connect with him on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.