Show this to your husbands/partners

Show this to your husbands/partners

Once the new baby is born, many dads/partners are not sure how to help.?They may have all the right intentions to, but they may have never had a role model they could look up to when it came to “real fatherhood”?And it’s natural?for them to feel overwhelmed.

Let me show you the starting point. These are 5 of the few things a new mom secretly from their husbands & partners

1. Help manage visitors

Welcoming a new baby into the world is an exciting time for any family. And all the

Friends, close relatives and family members often want to visit and offer their congratulations.

However, it's important to remember that?your partner/new mom needs time to recover and bond with her baby, and visitors can sometimes be overwhelming or intrusive.

You can make sure visitors are not allowed to get in the way of your partner's recovery and rest. Let them know when it's a good time to visit and for how long, and ask them to be respectful of your partner's need for rest and privacy.

2.??Some small gestures

Basically do the mundane chores but necessary

If she chooses to pump milk then support her by feeding the baby at night,?Wash the bottles ,Change the diapers

If the baby is cranky, help soothe baby

Take baby out for a walk so mom can have some me time

Order or even better cook her nourishing meals

3. Keep track of all vaccination and doctor visit dates

This will be overwhelming in the beginning but this will help you ensure that your partner and baby are receiving the care they need to stay healthy and prevent any potential health problems.

4. Be sensitive to your partner’s?need to bond with the baby and do not expect intimacy or a sexual relationship

As I?already mentioned earlier the mother’s body gets sacrificed during those 9 months. They go through significant hormonal changes that?impact her mood. Your partner needs time to recover and heal, and sexual activity may not be comfortable or even possible for some time after birth. So be respectful of that and try not “Fix” things.

?5. Take loads of pictures.

Every new mom will agree that they would have loved if there were more pictures of every moment she had with her new born captured for life. Just grab the phone and take candids at every opportunity you get. You have no idea how happy you will make her at the end.

Doing these little things each day will allow your partner to appreciate you more, and you will have an easier time in your relationship and?parenting.?

Let’s not call this baby sitting! Let’s call it fatherhood, done right.

Share it with a new father.


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