You know the ‘muscle’ it’s pretty weak in all of us —- how many times have you said you’re going to do something, create a new habit, and then you do it maybe once or for a week and then you quit? If you've ever had a New Year's resolution, then you are all too familiar with this. Practicing using our integrity and doing the things we say we're going to do is what the 30 day challenge is all about, challenging our "excuse-making-machine" named our brain that gets in the way of our results by making excuses for why we shouldn’t do things or how we should do it 'tomorrow' or 'some other time' or whatever particular excuse pattern your brain has figured out works best on you to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
This week two members fell off the bandwagon of doing their personal 30 day challenge because of their own excuses. These two members wanted to make videos for their personal brands everyday but they wouldn’t record the videos because they felt the resistance to start, the activation energy wasn’t enough, they were stuck, they were stuck in the excuses of their own judgement.
The 30 day challenge isn’t about any outcome from the behavior, you can meditate for 30 days and not get the result you wan, or make videos for 30 days to boost your brand and no one watches it -- it isn't about the outcome, it is about the behavior itself. It’s about you watching yourself do the thing you said you’re going to do everyday for 30 days. It's about building self trust and an ability to know that you're going to do the things you say you're going to do - showing up for yourself! --Dynamo