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Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
To ere is human. So, "they" say. Still, I have long thought that ERE is something more and different. Everything requires everything.
Everything we ever Soulfully want requires Everything we Soulfully are. Wholehearted and ready...
... and ready is not a checklist of things we must have... but a mindset and heartset to "show up". It requires us to practice our own best sense of Dominion.
Own it. Bring it. Our lives are our Country. Some places we have visited, we can hold onto and return to and others we might never choose to return, only keeping the lessons from same. Our current space and crossroads is ours to claim as is our choice in where we further explore, moving forward. Where will we dedicate ourselves in that moving forward? In answering that question, we need remember that Everything requires Everything. That is part of doing the work. Indeed, it is how we best explore our own form of leadership... for our own lives, and their best sense of meaning.
For Me
I work one to one, and in small and larger groups ... with Entrepreneurs, Educators and Emerging Leaders ... as leaders seeking to unite and inspire... to more effectively respond to change… and constructively create it. 20 years with the Virtues Project. 16 years with Personality Dimensions. 15 years from 1987-2001 with Dale Carnegie Training. 40 years in leadership training and development. 28 years as a business educator. For me, and now forward... I am reminded of the 4 works I am intent on moving the needle on for 2023. I am reminded that these are the 4 parts of my "country" I most seek to explore now. I am reminded that such exploration needs hold fast to that sense of ERE. Everything requires Everything. It is not about being everything or having everything. It is about Everything we Soulfully want requires Everything we Soulfully are.
What Do You Soulfully Want?
Reflect on that with Curiosity and Candor.
Meditate on that with Curiosity. Explore that question with the gentler form of passion that Curiosity is... born of Detachment from agenda and motives and biases. Meander through that question, open and entertaining what your still small voice inside whispers. You may find it whispering in a scream, beating down the doors of your arbitrary self and otherwise imposed and assumed "shoulds". Meditate on that with Candor, being direct and honest with yourself.
Be curious, open, honest and detached. Be ready to listen.
And, to take action.
If it helps, and you are open, consider these 5 steps to prayerful problem solving from Shoghi Effendi.
Either way, however you arrive at that Soulful answer,,, then bring Everything you are to it. As Leaducators and Communitrepreneurs and Emergents... and anyone interested in the exploration of Character, Purpose and Unity... as extroverts and introverts and everything in between... whatever your temperament... the time to "show up" is always now. Everything you Soulfully want requires Everything you Soulfully are.
All of this can apply to our lifelong exploration of Purpose as well.