Show off your first draft
Geraldin Noemis Diaz
Program Manager ?? | Ed Tech, Social Impact, Personal Branding | 2x Personal Development First-Gen Author & Speaker ??
Happy Thursday! I hope everyone has been having a week filled with blessings.
Today's newsletter topic is showing off your first draft.
No, I don't mean writing an essay or writing a book; I mean literally show off your first draft, that first Linkedin post, that first painting you're so scared to show off.
Often we don't see it, but we are standing in our own ways, trying to live up to the perfectionism society has pushed on us. These are society's standards, but what are your standards, and are YOU living up to your standards?
Not producing any material you desire to put out there because of fear it's going to be bad or it's going to be judged is only hurting you. What if you reframed your mindset about what sharing your work can bring to you, the opportunities that can show up, and the doors that can and will open for you once you decide to stop trying to be perfect. Our gifts and talents are meant to be shared with this world, or else YOU wouldn't have received this gift.
Had I been scared to show off my first draft, my book would've never been written.
I was 21 at the time, writing my first book about how to navigate life after graduating from college.
I felt like a complete imposter, but I knew I got this idea for a reason. It was my duty to execute this. It wasn't easy, and there were even a handful of mistakes in the first couple of hundred printed copies, but does it matter? No, I still wrote a book about something I was passionate about, and I didn't let perfectionism or fear of being judged stop me from accomplishing my goals.
I'll keep this short and sweet and leave you with this when you die, do you want to die with a life full of "I could've/I should've," or do you want to die empty, having shared with the world all your beautiful ideas, bringing about the positive impact not only in your life but those around you as well.
Trying to live up to standards that aren't our own doesn't get us anywhere, but living life on our terms allows us to take charge and truly manifest what we want. We only have one life to live, so get out of your way and start sharing your first draft.
Your first draft may suck to you but may be 100% what someone needs to see or hear. Just do it.