The show must go on!
Clair Challenor-Chadwick
Managing Director | Cause UK | Public Relations & Marketing Agency
At the start of 2020, Cause UK looked back at an incredible year while celebrating our tenth anniversary. Who could have forecast what lay ahead?
Stranger Things
During the pandemic we have been forced to take stock in social isolation. To examine what we value in our lives, as well as what we lack, all while the outside world fell eerily quiet.
Hearts and Minds
As lockdown eases, just 6% of the UK public want a return to our pre-pandemic economy, with a call for a fairer, more equal and greener society.
At Cause UK, we continue to work with agents of positive change. Those who enrich lives, who – whatever their line of work – use their hearts as well as their minds to make the world a better place.
We can build something better
As people demand more meaning, value and purpose from life post COVID-19, we feel people and business will – more than ever – want to make a positive difference to society and the planet.
A New Normal
We provide affordable public relations and marketing services to businesses and charities seeking to outsource or who are looking for more cost-effective communication solutions.
When done well, public relations can be the single most cost-effective marketing tool. As Bill Gates once famously said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on PR.”
Our PR services has proven to raise profiles, attract investment, increase footfall and ultimately boost revenue for the clients we’ve had the privilege to work with.
As we move forward in 2020, we have remained certain and constant in our founding mission: to tell the powerful stories of those who make the world a better place. Read our most recent case studies here.
Get in touch with me now to see how Cause UK can help you, email [email protected] or call 0753 194 8014.