Show me ... the Data ... and let me #workwiser
Wei Wen Chen
I write about data management, analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Please connect with me and we will learn and grow together.
26 years ago Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr. uttered the phrase "Show me the Money". It came about because Cuba Gooding's character wanted Tom (his sports agent to be) to be #committed on getting him top dollar in the upcoming draft. What's this got to do with data?
Over the last 15+ years we've had the benefit of personal devices like Fitbit (now part of Google) (founded 2007) to help us with our exercise, health, and even nutrition. These devices capture data and insights so that we can track our workout progress, understand our sleep habits, as well as motivate us to improve, and get #healthier. While these devices provide recommendations, it's the data they capture, and the analytics they offer that are the key to successful adoption and use.
Last year Fitbit released their Daily Readiness score, which actually encouraged you NOT to go to the gym or work out if, through it's sleep monitoring capabilities, indicated that you hadn't slept well the night before.
Then last month 谷歌 revealed Device Connect for Fitbit, allowing Fitbit data to be integrated into Google Cloud empowering healthcare and life sciences enterprises to use #analytics and #insights to help people live healthier lives. Fitbit data from their consenting users is made available through the Fitbit Web API, providing users with control over what data they choose to share and ensuring?secure data storage?and protection. Unlocking actionable insights about #patients can help support management of chronic conditions, help drive population health impact, and advance clinical research to help transform lives.?
With the rise of #remote and #hybrid work, use of digital applications continues to escalate. With hundreds of SaaS tools per company, varied and often duplicate functionality from personal collaboration tool favorites. Individuals are left to their own devices (pun intended), or lack of, to help them manage their daily workloads.
But that's changing. Individuals and companies alike are saying "Show me the Data!". #workforceanalytics technology is now available that can capture daily activities at a personal level to benefit individuals - much like a Fitbit, yet share only in an aggregated anonymized level for company insights.
It's a new frontier where everyone can #workwiser. Eventually our kids and educational curriculums will provide training and assistance on how to leverage SaaS applications as part of essential classes, much like Physical Education, or increasingly Mental Health. But until then, those that are adopting #workforceanalytics have a valuable tool that delivers the insights that helps thousands of companies and hundred's of thousands of employees worldwide.
These days, we and our companies are all #datadriven in all aspects of our lives. Whether you're looking for help individually, or a company seeking insight on #workforceanalytics, maybe it's time to be committed and shout out "Show me the Data!"
#workwiser my friends