'Show the Love' for Sustainability
Cubiquity supports sustainability initiatives through RISE by offering sustainable print solutions to our customers, enhancing their eco-friendly choices for design, products and logistics. Through the 'Show the Love' campaign launched earlier this year, we want to show the love for the values that we believe in through sustainable print solutions.
Take a look at the launch edition of our ESG Newsletter -?RISE with Cubiquity
Print procurement plays a key role in influencing the delivery of any organisation's contribution to sustainable development. Our account team always utilise their position in the supply chain to ensure that environmental and sustainable factors are embraced by all.
We make every effort to ensure that all activities that we manage for our clients are aligned with our own sustainable procurement policy by procuring goods, services, and working with suppliers that have submitted an appropriate evaluation of their environmental policies and demonstrated strong ESG credentials. This includes FSC/PEFC or ISO14001.
In addition to the wide range of environmentally focused products and services on offer, we also work with the World Land Trust and the Woodland Trust to offset all carbon emissions of our customers' printed communications by measuring the carbon footprint of their print output and managing the mechanism to offset the CO2e.
There are many ways that you can show the love with us and embrace our shared values for sustainability and social value. Below are just five areas where Cubiquity can inspire, encourage and support your ESG program.