Shoulder Exercises
Dillon Millar, CSCS, Pn1, CPT
Strategic Account Manager at Thorne HealthTech
Shoulder Exercises ????
The following 3 exercises that are displayed in this post are not your big sexy shoulder movements that you see all the time. Rather these are movements that I believe can make a difference in shoulder strength, stability, and overall function.
1?? 1/2 Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Press
This exercise requires more stability of the wrist and shoulder to maintain the kettlebell in the inverted position. The muscles used work more towards stabilizing the kettlebell rather than actual force production. I’ll program it with overhead athletes as it encompasses scapular control and engages the muscles of the rotator cuff.
2?? Bent Over DB Reverse Fly
Most people will tell you they do reverse flys to target the rear deltoid. I personally have found a liking to this movement due to the ability to mobilize the scapulas with load. Being able to go through the range of motion by retracting and protracting the scapulas, allows them to move along the posterior side of the rib cage freely. This will also engage the rhomboids, which can often be neglected.
3?? DB External Rotation (Off Knee)
This movement may come with some nay sayers. Popularized by the late Charles Poliquin, when done appropriately I believe it can play a major role is overall shoulder strength and can help with lagging and often neglected muscle groups within the shoulder. Ido Portal describes this exercise as, “tightening the screws.”
Even though these may be not your traditional movements, I think it’s important to constantly find ways to challenge yourself or find a different way of looking at something. And the same can be said for training. Find new exercises, new philosophies, different explanations and see what best works for you! Any questions let me know!
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