Should You Be Watermarking Your Images?
There seems to be a surprising amount of contention relating to whether or not you should watermark your images. Some people are adamant that yes, you absolutely need to put your stamp, so to speak, on images that you're putting out there online. Other people feel that a watermark is tacky, or that somehow it's presence cheapens the quality of the image that it has been applied to. As I have found with most things in life, context is king when it comes to watermarks.
Generally speaking, I believe that yes, you should be applying a simple and sensible watermark to your images. As most people know when it comes to the Internet, once your work is out there, it can often be a bit troublesome to know exactly where it will go from there, so I figure that you're mark may as well be going along for the ride. I tend to think of watermarks as your digital signature; whether your name, brand symbol, or your literal signature it's the final piece that you attach to your finished work.
With that said, I know that we have all seen some watermarks that clearly did not get much thought. The kind that may actually be ruining an image, the genuine eyesore-style watermark. This can be avoided by putting some intention and thought behind what your mark will be before you start putting it on your work.