Should You Show Enthusiasm or Play It Cool?
Welcome to the fifteenth edition of this biweekly newsletter series, "Career Insights for Executives.?" In this series, I'll share in-depth analyses, emerging trends, and actionable insights tailored for today's professionals. It is designed to guide you through the evolving landscape of recruitment and career development and help you connect with opportunities in innovative and effective ways.
Each issue will feature a combination of expert interviews, case studies, and multimedia content to deepen your understanding and application of these strategies to keep you competitive in the market.
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Should You Show Enthusiasm or Play It Cool?
Imagine this:
You’re in the midst of an interview process for a role that feels like the perfect fit. The position aligns with your skills, the team dynamics seem promising, and the business case for the role excites you. Then comes the big moment—questions about your thoughts on the position and the group you’d be joining.
Let’s break it down into stages to explore the nuances.
Stage 1: The Initial Interview
The first interview is your opportunity to make a strong impression. Employers are evaluating not just your qualifications but also your motivations and alignment with the role. This stage is about showing you’re genuinely interested without overcommitting.
How to Strike the Balance:
When You Don’t Have All the Required Experience:
This is where enthusiasm and humility can shine. Employers often value candidates who demonstrate eagerness to learn over those who tick every box but lack engagement. Try saying: “While I haven’t handled [specific task], I’m confident in my ability to learn quickly and bring value, as I did with [similar challenge in another role].”
Pitfalls to Avoid:
Stage 2: Meeting the Stakeholders
As you progress, the focus shifts to your fit within the team and alignment with organizational goals. This stage is about building connections and showing how you’ll contribute to the group’s success.
How to Show Interest Without Overcommitting:
Why Enthusiasm Matters Here:
Stakeholders often prioritize candidates who show genuine excitement about the team’s mission and objectives. Even if you lack some experience, a motivated and eager attitude can make you stand out over more experienced but disengaged candidates.
Stage 3: Engaging with Top Management
Meeting senior leadership is a pivotal stage where you shift from role-specific discussions to aligning with the organization’s broader vision. This is your chance to demonstrate strategic thinking and a long-term commitment.
How to Differentiate Yourself:
Balance Enthusiasm with Gravitas:
Your excitement should align with the organization’s mission, demonstrating that you’re a strategic thinker ready to grow with the company. Show energy, but pair it with confidence and maturity.
Stage 4: Compensation Discussions/Negotiation
By this stage, it’s time to balance enthusiasm with a firm stance on your value. Let your interest in the role shine without undermining your negotiation position.
How to Keep Leverage While Showing Interest:
Pitfalls to Avoid:
Not being clear about your compensation expectations during discussions could lead to being offered a package that doesn’t align with your needs. This might result in you turning down the offer, which could leave both you and the employer feeling like the entire process was a waste of time. To prevent this, it’s crucial to communicate your expectations honestly and thoughtfully while remaining open to negotiation.
Why Enthusiasm Is Your Secret Weapon
When deployed strategically, enthusiasm can elevate your profile and compensate for gaps in experience. Employers value candidates who are eager to contribute, energetic about the opportunity, and willing to learn.
Visible enthusiasm, when paired with confidence and humility, inspires confidence in your commitment and potential, giving you a distinct edge in the hiring process.
Key Takeaways
By showing genuine interest and maintaining professionalism, you’ll position yourself as a motivated, strategic candidate—one that any employer would be excited to bring on board.
Spanish Translation
?Deberías Mostrar Entusiasmo o Mantener la Calma?
Imagina esto:
Estás en medio de un proceso de entrevista para un puesto que parece ser el ajuste perfecto. La posición se alinea con tus habilidades, la dinámica del equipo parece prometedora, y el caso de negocio del rol te entusiasma. Entonces llega el gran momento: preguntas sobre tus pensamientos sobre el puesto y el equipo al que te unirías.
Vamos a desglosarlo en etapas para explorar las sutilezas.
Etapa 1: La Entrevista Inicial
La primera entrevista es tu oportunidad para causar una impresión sólida. Los empleadores evalúan no solo tus calificaciones, sino también tus motivaciones y alineación con el puesto. Esta etapa se trata de mostrar interés genuino sin comprometerte demasiado.
Cómo Encontrar el Equilibrio:
Cuando No Tienes Toda la Experiencia Requerida: Aquí es donde el entusiasmo y la humildad pueden destacar. Los empleadores a menudo valoran a los candidatos que muestran ganas de aprender por encima de aquellos que cumplen todos los requisitos pero carecen de compromiso. Intenta decir: “Aunque no he manejado [tarea específica], estoy seguro de mi capacidad para aprender rápidamente y aportar valor, como lo hice con [desafío similar en otro rol].”
Errores a Evitar:
Etapa 2: Conociendo a los Interesados
A medida que avanzas, el enfoque cambia hacia tu adaptación al equipo y tu alineación con los objetivos organizacionales. Esta etapa se trata de construir conexiones y mostrar cómo contribuirás al éxito del grupo.
Cómo Mostrar Interés Sin Comprometerte Demasiado:
Por Qué el Entusiasmo Importa Aquí: Los interesados a menudo priorizan a los candidatos que muestran un entusiasmo genuino por la misión y los objetivos del equipo. Incluso si careces de algo de experiencia, una actitud motivada y entusiasta puede hacer que te destaques frente a candidatos más experimentados pero menos comprometidos.
Etapa 3: Interactuando con la Alta Dirección
Conocer al liderazgo senior es una etapa crucial donde pasas de discusiones específicas del rol a alinearte con la visión más amplia de la organización. Esta es tu oportunidad para demostrar pensamiento estratégico y un compromiso a largo plazo.
Cómo Diferenciarte:
Equilibra Entusiasmo con Seriedad: Tu entusiasmo debe alinearse con la misión de la organización, demostrando que eres un pensador estratégico listo para crecer con la empresa. Muestra energía, pero combínala con confianza y madurez.
Etapa 4: Discusión sobre Compensación
En esta etapa, es momento de equilibrar el entusiasmo con una postura firme sobre tu valor. Deja que tu interés en el puesto brille sin comprometer tu posición de negociación.
Cómo Mantener el Equilibrio Entre Interés y Posición:
Errores a Evitar: No ser claro sobre tus expectativas salariales podría llevar a que te ofrezcan un paquete que no se alinee con tus necesidades. Esto podría resultar en que rechaces la oferta, dejando a ambas partes sintiendo que el proceso fue una pérdida de tiempo. Para evitarlo, es crucial comunicar tus expectativas de manera honesta y reflexiva mientras permaneces abierto a la negociación.
Por Qué el Entusiasmo Es Tu Arma Secreta
Cuando se utiliza estratégicamente, el entusiasmo puede elevar tu perfil y compensar brechas en experiencia. Los empleadores valoran a los candidatos que están deseosos de contribuir, con energía sobre la oportunidad y dispuestos a aprender.
El entusiasmo visible, cuando se combina con confianza y humildad, inspira confianza en tu compromiso y potencial, dándote una ventaja distinta en el proceso de contratación.
Puntos Clave:
Al mostrar un interés genuino y mantener el profesionalismo, te posicionarás como un candidato motivado y estratégico, uno que cualquier empleador estaría emocionado de incorporar.
Italian Translation
Dovresti Mostrare Entusiasmo o Restare Distaccato?
Immagina questa scena:
Sei nel bel mezzo di un processo di selezione per un ruolo che sembra perfetto per te. La posizione si allinea alle tue competenze, la dinamica del team appare promettente e il business case del ruolo ti entusiasma. Poi arriva il momento cruciale: domande su cosa pensi della posizione e del team a cui ti unirai.
Esploriamo il tutto suddividendo il processo in fasi per analizzarne le sfumature.
Fase 1: Il Primo Colloquio
Il primo colloquio è la tua occasione per fare una buona impressione. I datori di lavoro valutano non solo le tue qualifiche, ma anche le tue motivazioni e la tua affinità con il ruolo. Questa fase riguarda il mostrare un interesse autentico senza eccedere.
Come Trovare il Giusto Equilibrio:
Se Non Hai Tutte le Competenze Richieste: Questa è l’occasione per far emergere entusiasmo e umiltà. I datori di lavoro spesso apprezzano candidati desiderosi di imparare più di quelli che soddisfano ogni requisito ma non mostrano coinvolgimento. Puoi dire: “Sebbene non abbia ancora gestito [specifico compito], sono fiducioso nella mia capacità di apprendere rapidamente e di apportare valore, come ho fatto con [sfida simile in un altro ruolo].”
Errori da Evitare:
Fase 2: Incontro con i Referenti del Team
Proseguendo, l’attenzione si sposta sulla tua capacità di integrarti nel team e di allinearti agli obiettivi organizzativi. Questa fase riguarda la costruzione di connessioni e il mostrare come contribuirai al successo del gruppo.
Come Mostrare Interesse Senza Eccedere:
Perché l’Entusiasmo Conta Qui: I referenti spesso preferiscono candidati che mostrano un genuino entusiasmo per la missione e gli obiettivi del team. Anche se ti manca un po' di esperienza, un atteggiamento motivato e positivo può farti emergere rispetto a candidati più esperti ma meno coinvolti.
Fase 3: Interazione con la Dirigenza
Incontrare i dirigenti è una fase cruciale in cui si passa da discussioni specifiche sul ruolo all’allineamento con la visione più ampia dell’organizzazione. è la tua occasione per dimostrare capacità di pensiero strategico e un impegno a lungo termine.
Come Differenziarti:
Bilancia Entusiasmo e Gravitas: Il tuo entusiasmo deve essere in linea con la missione dell’organizzazione, dimostrando che sei un pensatore strategico pronto a crescere con l’azienda. Mostra energia, ma accompagnala con fiducia e maturità.
Fase 4: Discussione sulla Retribuzione
In questa fase, è importante bilanciare l’entusiasmo con una posizione chiara sul tuo valore. Fai brillare il tuo interesse per il ruolo senza compromettere la tua posizione negoziale.
Come Mantenere il Bilanciamento tra Interesse e Posizione:
Errori da Evitare: Non essere chiaro sulle tue aspettative salariali potrebbe portare a un’offerta non allineata alle tue esigenze. Questo potrebbe farti rifiutare l’offerta, lasciando entrambe le parti insoddisfatte. Per evitarlo, è fondamentale comunicare le tue aspettative con onestà e apertura alla negoziazione.
Perché l’Entusiasmo è la Tua Arma Segreta
Quando viene utilizzato in modo strategico, l’entusiasmo può elevare il tuo profilo e compensare eventuali lacune di esperienza. I datori di lavoro apprezzano candidati desiderosi di contribuire, pieni di energia per l’opportunità e disposti a imparare.
Un entusiasmo visibile, combinato con fiducia e umiltà, ispira fiducia nel tuo impegno e potenziale, dandoti un vantaggio distintivo nel processo di selezione.
Punti Chiave:
Mostrando un interesse genuino e mantenendo la professionalità, ti posizionerai come un candidato motivato e strategico, uno che qualsiasi datore di lavoro sarebbe entusiasta di assumere.
About the Author
Elisabetta Bartoloni is a partner in Heidrick & Struggles’ New York office and the Americas Global Markets Practice sector leader. She also co-chairs the firm’s Americas Women Inclusion Network (WIN). Previously, she led the Americas Investment & Corporate Banking Practice. She has more than 20 years of experience in executive search.
At Heidrick, she blends industry expertise with a keen understanding of corporate dynamics, making her work a fusion of skill and art. Elisabetta’s executive search and advisory practice spans from managing directors to functional roles, including CEO and board positions across investment banking, global and capital markets, and asset management. In addition to working with global financial institutions, Elisabetta has worked extensively with boutique and middle market investment banks and other investment management and fintech companies.
As a strong advocate for DE&I, Elisabetta serves on the Board of Girls with Impact and is a Mentor of the 30% Club, driving positive change within the industry. Her exceptional leadership was recognized in 2014 when she was named the “National Association of Professional Women VIP Woman of The Year.” Her insights on DE&I and hiring trends are frequently sought after, with appearances in prestigious publications such as Forbes magazine where she is a member and contributor of their Human Resources Council and recognized Top Career Development Voice on Linkedin.
Before joining Heidrick & Struggles, Elisabetta was a managing director at Westwood Partners, focusing on investment banking and asset management in the Americas and responsible for the firm’s Latin America executive search practice. Before joining Westwood, Elisabetta was a director at J.H. McCann & Company, a boutique executive search firm exclusively serving the financial services industry, and a senior associate in the global financial services practice of Korn Ferry International. Elisabetta began her career in the financial services industry, having worked as a data research analyst in investment banking at Goldman Sachs.
Elisabetta's academic journey began at the University of Florence in Italy, where she earned both her Master’s Degree and Bachelor of Arts in Economics. She furthered her education with meritorious scholarships at the University of Reading and New York University, honing her skills and paving the way for her remarkable career.
What's Next? Stay tuned for upcoming episodes where we'll go deeper into Career Success Insights for Executives. Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or topics you'd like us to cover in future newsletters!
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Keep thriving,
Innovation & Business Analyst @ World Bank Group | Corporate Communications, Media & PR
2 周This is very helpful in navigating through similar situations! Thank you for putting things into perspective.
Business Operations Executive | Ex-NFL | Problem-Solving | Operations & Strategy | Stakeholder Management | Collaborative Leadership | Business Solution
2 周Very informative, Elisabetta Bartoloni. Thank you for sharing this. It's a game-changer—Stai bene.
Project Administrator at Heidrick & Struggles
2 周Impressive article!
2 周Excellent article. Great insights.