Should you go to work with whiplash?
Brandon J. Broderick, Personal Injury Attorney at Law
Whiplash is a condition that most people who have been in car accidents are familiar with. In moderate to severe cases of whiplash, an accident victim may suffer pain to their neck, back, and/or shoulders. It can be very uncomfortable and can make going about your daily business more challenging.
If you are in agony from the whiplash pain you are enduring, you most likely have questions.?How long will whiplash pain last??Can I go back to work? What steps should I take to aid in my recovery?
Most of the time, you may start working again right away. However, it will depend on a number of variables, such as the severity of your injuries and the kind of work you do. We will examine these and things you should think about in the blog post below.
Remember that any time you are in an accident, you should seek medical attention, whether injured or not. After this, consulting with an?experienced car accident lawyer?can help you decide what steps to take next. This may include filing a claim with insurance or a personal injury claim against the negligent party. The lawyers at?Brandon J. Broderick?can offer you the legal advice you need.
How Long Does The Pain Last From A Whiplash Injury?
The abrupt, unnatural backward and forward motion of your neck during an auto accident is what causes?whiplash. Your neck and back's ligaments, soft tissues, and discs may get strained or shifted abruptly, causing injury as a result. It takes time for your body to heal and fully recover from a sprain, as it would with any injury. Your body's reaction to and coping method for the stress and trauma of the accident is the aches and pains you experience.
Your attitude will play a big role in your rehabilitation. As long as they are cautious and don't push themselves too far, the majority of whiplash victims are able to carry on with their regular activities. After your injury, the aches and pains may last for several weeks or months, but you can still carry out the majority of your everyday activities during this time.
Are There Specific Situations Where You Can Work With Whiplash?
It's best to slow down for a while after an accident because even minor whiplash injuries can last for weeks or months if you don't let it heal. While allowing your injury to heal, it's very important to take notes to document what you're doing through. Resuming daily routines can be therapeutic and beneficial for your recovery, but you want to follow your doctor's recommendations.
It's OK to manage minor pain while going back to work, and it can benefit those who experience pain in maintaining a more upbeat outlook. Your doctor could advise taking a few weeks off if your injury is severe. Even if they're still recovering, most people return to their regular activities within a month.
It's important to remember that following a doctor's recommendations is vital to any?legal claim you may file?to recover losses, such as medical bills. Even if a doctor advises you to take it easy, you still need to move around. Not getting up and moving around may deteriorate the tissues in your neck and back, lengthening the recovery time from your injury. However, you should avoid any abrupt movements that might strain your neck and back. Taking approximately hour-long pauses from your everyday tasks to rest is recommended. Ask your doctor about neck exercises as well.