Should you buy or lease a card terminal?
Christopher Sharpe
Partner, Improving Profitability, Mitigating Revenue Loss through Expense Optimization
For today’s merchants, offering quick and accessible payment options is a must. For physical locations, that often means keeping up to date with the latest terminal technology.??
One of the tougher decisions can be whether to rent those current terminals from your provider, or purchase them outright. In this article, we examine that question in depth.??
A clear answer is hard to find.??
Researching whether to buy or rent can leave you with as many questions as answers. You’re going to get different advice anywhere you look, which can make it hard to know who to trust. And the truth is, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to business. You have to evaluate the facts and decide what is best for your individual business.??
Advantages of renting.?
Renting tends to be the more common choice for businesses.??
Often, the difference between renting and buying can be a matter of what your game plan is, and how much capital you have.
The pros of renting Point of Sale (POS) terminals include:?
Disadvantages of renting.??
While there are plenty of advantages to rentals, there is always a flipside. The cons include:?
Advantages of buying.?
There are advantages to buying your terminals beyond just avoiding the downfalls of renting. These include:?
The most important factor is your business’ individual needs.??
No matter whether you choose to rent or buy, what’s important is that you’re using the best technology for your business. When choosing the terminal, be sure to consider the following priorities:?
In conclusion…?
There is no one right way to go about getting your payment processing equipment. Whether you buy or rent your terminals, there are advantages and disadvantages.??
Largely, the best solution is going to depend on your business’ upfront capital, monthly budget, physical setup, and other unique needs.??
The most important thing to remember is to shop around, and not let a provider lock you into a contract that doesn’t serve you.??