Should we be worried about predatory journals?
Professor Graham Kendall
DVC @ MILA Uni. | Emeritus Prof. @ Uni. of Nottingham. Was CEO/Provost/PVC @ Uni. of Nottingham. #OR, #HE, Management, Leadership, Research Ethics. Views my own
Over the past year, really since the various Covid-19 lock downs started, I have been reading about, and getting more interested in, Predatory Publishing.
If you are unsure what is meant by the term Predatory Publishing, take a look at this article
"What is Predatory Publishing? | … and should you care?"
... indeed, take a look at the entire blog site, which looks at different aspects of predatory publishing. I hope that more articles will be added over the coming weeks/months.
You might also be interested in their Twitter Account.
The question I have is whether we should be worried about this practice, or whether it is just an annoyance rather than something to be worried about? I'd be interested in your thoughts.