Should we be wary of so-called “frictionless” stores?

Should we be wary of so-called “frictionless” stores?

 As with any change, there is some reluctance around implementing technology to reduce friction in the customer’s journey. Wouldn’t a platform that allows you to pay for your purchases directly online encourage shoplifting? What about jobs being cut due to increased automation in customer service?

While these questions are valid and no technology can claim to be perfect, the retail environment is facing many challenges right now. The truth is that given the labour shortage and the competition of online commerce, we simply can’t continue with the same methods we’re using.  

Leav’s technology not only solves the current challenges coming up in retail, it also makes life easier for customers. After all, who wants to waste their time in a checkout line?

Sensitive to merchants’ concerns about the reliability of an online payment application, we are constantly improving our product by aiming to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

Feel free to contact our team to learn more about our platform’s security!



