Should We Question How We View Nutrition?

Should We Question How We View Nutrition?

Seven important reasons to re-evaluate what we define as nutrition

By Barbara Wren

Is it time to open the debate on how we view nutrition, is it a science that can be dictated by one size fits all protocols or is it more of a personalised art form?

#1 Why question nutrition?

Having been a practicing naturopath for over forty-five years, watching with interest the evolution of nutrition, I find myself questioning what is now being promoted as nutrition. This often refers to itself as evidence-based nutrition, without ever defining what should be accepted as evidence!

#2 Nutrition happens on many levels.

Traditionally taught Naturopaths acknowledge our nutrition or biochemical needs are determined by our inner terrain which changes with the seasons and universal energies.

#3 Is a good understanding of alchemy important?

Alchemy is often viewed by many within the mainstream nutrition as a disproven science and thus is made most unwelcome by many within the scientific community. Could this be because it questions many of the narratives science wants us to believe? Given the right conditions, light, oxygen, etc there is little doubt that we all have an inner ability to transmute our own nutritional requirements.

#4 We are electrical beings.

To truly apply optimum nutrition this must be done with an understanding that we are not just biochemical beings, if so, vitamin D would have solved a wide array of conditions for all. We need to remember that we are also energetic beings and when assessing a client’s case history, we should be reviewing and balancing both the biochemical and energetic levels.

#5 We need to change our focus when choosing our foods, so as to optimise the level of light we can store in our body.

We seem to have moved away from the simple truths, for example, less is so often more when it comes to supporting what many describe as mitochondrial function, as proven by Prof Arnold Ehret, the author of "The Mucusless Diet". He demonstrated that after fasting he was more mentally aware and physically strong, challenging the conventional roles of protein, lipids, and carbohydrates, let alone the example of the Yogis in India.

#6 what is fourth phase water and how does it work?

All nutrition and energetic approaches to optimising health rely on optimum hydration to transfer energy. For example, the term electrotypes simply means to support the conductivity of fluids. We are taught that there is only one form of water, leaving the obvious question then, what is heavy water in an H bomb? If there are different types of water, can some forms deliver greater hydration than others?

#7 Eating seasonally in rhythm with the light availability.

The seasons produce many seasonal foods that if grown locally and consumed as available offer foods that do not challenge our ability to utilise light as a key energy source.

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