Should we have a day off for Easter?

Death & resurrection of Jesus, at least as significant as Christmas in Christianity and the Western Culture, and yet...we don't even get a single day off for it in the U.S.! It is represented by a rabbit that lays chocolate/wrapped eggs! (Anyone reading this - at this point is probably thinking of Santa representing Christmas -- Only Santa is not just human - he is a Saint! His main motif is bearing gifts, central to the idea of birth of Jesus!)

Does anyone know the correlation between Easter bunny and Christianity!?! While "hunting eggs" may be fun for toddlers, what are the (non-church-going) adults are supposed to do for Easter: supervise the kids? I have never been invited to an "Easter Party" -- has anyone? I feel our culture has given a better purpose to Halloween, Valentine's, and St. Patty's Holidays. At least for those, I know how to dress, where to go, and what to do!

While Easter takes on a more honorable meaning in Latin America (including a season of holidays and events, just like Christmas here) - and is regarded with much more dignity than in the U.S. -- isn't it about time we started recognizing the true significance of Easter, as we come close to for the birth of Jesus, by announcing at least "Good Friday" a national holiday?

If I am oblivious of any facts in the above, please feel free to correct me!


Edward Mofrad, CPA, CVA, MBA的更多文章

