Based on leadership style, an effective leader today has to be flexible, adaptable, and able to use any leadership style based on the demands of the situation to achieve optimum success. Leadership style can have a significant, quantitative effect on an organization's performance. To be effective, leaders must understand their style's strengths and weaknesses. Six leadership styles account for all critical management behavior; visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pace-setting, and commanding. Good leaders use different leadership styles based on the situation. Individuals with transformative leadership styles motivate through identification with the leader's vision, pulling rather than pushing others on. Women are more transformational in their leadership style than men. Why are we having this conversation? Let start with understanding feminism.

At its core, feminism is the belief, full social, economic, and political equality for women. "Think Like a Man" (based on the Steve Harvey book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man") and a movie based on the same displayed the relationships of four couples as seen through the eyes of the women. The four women set out to solve their relationship problems with the men in their lives. I open with this today due to the need to see more women in executive-level leadership positions. To use the traits of man’s strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness but act like a woman. Let’s dissect the word think and act.

Thinkers tend to be mentally active, constantly questioning and pondering. Thinkers are motivated by endeavors that increase their knowledge and competence. Women do not have this problem.?Men in my life's path have shared with me that women are thinking even while they are sleeping. ?However, women are external thinkers when it comes to their careers and finances. They focus on what is good for the whole and instead of what is best for this moment in time.?However, men are intrinsic thinkers and seek to control their career and the direction of it. Men find that it is necessary to look for internal and self-satisfaction. Male masculinity emphasizes power and is often associated with a disregard for consequences and responsibility.

Let's tackle ACT.?The dictionary defines to act as a means to behave in a stated way. For example, girls and women dress in typically feminine ways and are polite, accommodating, and nurturing.?We expect men to be strong, aggressive, and bold.?In career settings,?we require women to use various femininities or a feminine style in a corporate environment dominated by male cultures. These femininities are not inevitable or 'natural' but are reflexively adapted and expanded to make women's lives livable within these masculine cultures. Why is this? Well, society’s expectations of gender roles have created behavioral expectations for men and women. For example, strength, power, courage, independence, leadership, assertiveness, and competitiveness are all associated with men. While emotion and affection are associated with women.

What do we know about women and leadership already? Women are typically transformational Leads. Bennis and Nanus describe transformative leadership style as one that motivates through identification with the leader's vision, pulling rather than pushing others on. The four common factors of transformative leaders are (1) Attention through vision; (2) Meaning through communication; (3) Trust through positioning; and 4) The deployment of self through positive self-regard.

Finally, the transformational leader inspires the team and other individuals they work with by encouraging them to be creative. They do this by providing an environment that is flexible and develops individuals. However, the transformational leader just as the situational leader must view the current environment which requires various components of a leader's talents.

The way the various styles interact depends on the situation the leader is in at the time. Due to this, transformational leaders could take a note from the path-goal theory of leadership. Path-goal assumes many variables which at times could affect the behaviors the leader demonstrates at high-stress times. Strengths of the path-goal include; (a) it provides a framework for understanding how various leadership behaviors affect the satisfaction of their teams. (b) It provides leaders with a guide to what leadership style to use based on key characteristics of their team and the tasks. (c) It is the only theory which deals with motivation. The weaknesses associated with the model are complexity and total validity.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The strength of the transformational leadership theory includes the following elements; (a) influencing followers by establishing a vision for a better future; (b) inspiring teams as opposed to controlling them, (c) leading by example through role modeling, (d) contributing to subordinates intellectual stimulation, (e) enhancing meaningfulness of goals and behaviors, (f) fulfilling followers’ self –actualization needs, (g) empowering followers through intrinsic motivation, (h) exhibiting confidence in subordinates’ ability to attain higher levels of achievement, and (i) enhancing collective identity.?

There are several theories involving leadership effectiveness. For example, path-goal determines the behaviors and the impact of that behavior on the followers.?To clarify the leadership path leaders, may direct or give vague hints. In removing roadblocks, they may scour the path or help their team move blocks. In increasing rewards, they give occasional encouragement or pave the way with gold. This variation in approach will depend on the situation, including the team’s capability and motivation.?

Bringing me to this point. At the start of this writing, I spoke about the movie "Think like a Man." Well, what about another movie? “What Women Want” starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. The movie's plot centers around a chauvinistic advertising executive who by accident acquires the ability to hear what women are thinking. What if we turned this around and women could understand what men are thinking? In doing so, we would need to examine agency as a crucial factor in interpersonal judgments, especially about leadership ability. So, what is agency? Agency consists of traits related to controlling the environment and asserting one's self.

In "What Women Want" Mel Gibson used his masculine powers to bring about the fall of his female boss. He uses his intrinsic knowledge as well as knowledge from the environment to create opportunities for himself. This technique is known as personal agency.?Up to this point, we see that agency plays an important role in how men see themselves and how society views them. And the society's expectations of males in their role as leaders. We also surmise the relationship between leadership style, traits, and strengths. Even though the agency trait of self-reliance is an important trait for both men and women need it. Women, however, seem to be more honest and forthcoming about their leadership strengths, traits, and styles when completing self-evaluations. Whereas men tend to discuss their leader traits as if they were taking a page from Eckert's Tolle "Power of Now." They express themselves in the now and not the past. Words of advice to the ladies we must begin to show gratitude for ourselves and our accomplishments when speaking and writing our narrative.

In closing, women know and walk in our strengths. We must demonstrate that we can navigate the business world where our actions are congruent with the organization. We must be curious, flexible, and open to various scenarios requiring different behaviors, strengths, and emotions. We may need to step outside the expected roles prescribed by gender norms. Actions such as this could provide a path to the underlying challenge of filling more executive leadership roles with women. Having higher openness may also be part of the solution and having a higher level of self-worth. Added to this, we can take a look at using both masculine and feminine traits as we navigate the new leadership brine by genderizing ourselves and become badass women in leadership. We do this by merging the innate qualities and characteristics of what is needed to move the needle for balancing organizations with a healthy mix of both men and women representation in the executive leadership ranks.

Dr. Marilyn Carroll is an entrepreneur,?researcher, writer, professor, and speaker. You can reach her at


Marilyn Carroll, Ph.D., MBA, M.ED, MIT的更多文章

