Should Tyre Companies Be Given Access To Your Tyre Performance Information
It depends on the specific context and the goals of the mine and the tyre company.
If the mine and the tyre company have a strong working relationship and share similar goals, such as reducing costs and improving safety, then it may be beneficial for the tyre company to have access to the mine's tire performance information. This could allow the tyre company to provide more targeted and effective support, such as by identifying patterns or trends that suggest a need for specific types of tyres or maintenance practices.
However, if the mine and the tyre company do not have a strong working relationship, or if the mine is concerned about protecting its proprietary information, then it may be more appropriate for the mine to control its own tyre performance information.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not tyre companies should control a mine's tyre performance information will depend on the specific needs and objectives of the mine and the tyre company, as well as the level of trust and collaboration between them.