Should recruiters do better? Yes.

Should recruiters do better? Yes.

If you are a recruiter, you owe it to a wide range of people to do a very good job, of your job.

First we have to keep in mind that the people we deal with are real human beings; we are working with their livelihoods and that is not something to take lightly. In fact, if it isn’t at the forefront of your mind constantly as you do your job, that these are real human beings with real hopes, dreams and desires, and also real responsibilities like putting food on the table for their families, you should not be in this industry.

Secondly, you owe it to your colleagues in the recruitment industry to do a good job. Is this a little self-serving? Yes it is. But nothing pisses me off more than speaking with someone about how we might be able to help them as a recruitment business and see on their face, and the way they talk about their experiences?in using a recruitment agency, that they haven't had a good experience dealing with a recruitment agency, which makes all of our lives tougher.

Thirdly, your clients. In business our people ARE everything, and when your clients are hiring, and turn to an agency, they need to know that the responsibility of helping their business find their staff should be taken very seriously and treated very very carefully. I still look at it as a great privilege to help a business recruit a key team member for their organisation, and you should too.

Finally, you owe it to yourself.?The work we do is incredible, and can be very very rewarding. There is very little that is more rewarding in our industry than when we deal with someone who has made a decision to move roles for whatever reason (but especially if a role has not been adding value to their life), and we are able to help them find and secure a role that genuinely will add value to their lives. And this isn’t just about getting people pay rises (although that’s pretty bloody cool too), but it is about getting them into a job where they go home at night a happier, healthier version of themselves and give a better version of themselves to their family.

So do yourself and us and everyone around you a favour and recruit with other people in mind, not just yourself.?

Do I get this right everytime? Hell no. But I always recruit with other people in mind than just myself. And that's alright with me.


