Should "race" be replaced with "ethnicity"?
Be sure to scroll down to see the USA Population of PEOPLES
Separating people into groups to figure out which group is employed at a higher rate, compensated higher, living a better life than everyone else is a method America calls "race grouping". When I did the math America's "races" each had very similar percentages when compared to itself. 61% of each "race" were in Middle Class. When comparing one race against another race the highest quantity of people in poverty and unemployed in actual numbers were "white" - by three fold. But what would results be like if we dumped the "race" grouping and replaced it with ethnicity?
The concept of dividing people by shade only further invites separations, misinformation and unwillingness to blend together on all levels. I am "white" skinned, but the color of my skin doesn't tell you that I am a child of an immigrant from Belize. My skin doesn't tell you my hardships, hurdles, losses, nor does it tell you that I have encountered discrimination at extreme levels. My skin doesn't tell you that I'm the most generous person I know, possibly the most honest person you'll meet, or how many people I've helped to help them succeed. No, my skin doesn't tell my story, I do, my friends and family will.
Out of the 120 countries American residents originated from there are at least 42-groups of people in the USA with the same shade of skin as me considered the white-"race". The column doesn't tell their story either. It doesn't tell you the millions of people in the "white race" column that survived a war, a natural disaster, genocide, or escaped societal upheaval. Globally there are 700 ethnicities and 170 ethnicities call the USA home.
The "race" category doesn't support multicultural. The Japanese-Irish, Taiwanese-Italian, or any other combination of America's fast growing melting pot of new blends of peoples. Instead it causes people to change lanes where it gives them an advantage or feel embarrassed or frustrated when checking one of the three boxes which results in misleading reports of millions of people.
I don't like like being called "white" just as much as I don't like calling a person "black". A person's skin being used as a "race" seems archaic. I feel that we are mature adults in 2021 and referring to someone by the shade of their skin just seems demeaning, like referring to an Irish person as that freckled guy that sits in the back. African-American's aren't a shade they are Ghana, Siera Leone, Senengambian, Liberia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bacongo, South East Africa, Zanj, Bantu, Benin's. New White-African immigrants that have had generations reaching back 300-years of residence in Africa don't like checking the "white" category either when they notice the African-American category on government documents either.
People considered "white" is anybody that isn't Hispanic or "black". It's the dump station for everybody else. People in the white category include Afghan's, Pakistani's, Portuguese, Russian, German, Hungarian and numerous other peoples that don't share the same language. While the government wants to draw a line between the three "races" to also determine minority status it doesn't address that people from India or any country with a thick accent are often held at bay from jobs because people can't decipher what they are attempting to say. It's hard to be considered "different".
Being the "only" person of my kind in any setting could be uncomfortable for anyone. I am not privileged because I have "white" skin. I work in a 90% male industry, but at any company I've worked for I am the only female that is in my particular role. While I actually don't feel uncomfortable, I know that me being different than everyone else triggers misogynous males to misbehave. Some people just can't accept people that are different than themselves. As a close friend of mine in the same industry as me said recently "If men had to put up with the brazen acts against us they would brawl in the parking lot more often than they already do".
Being different often invites snide comments, insults, jagged jokes, ill-treatment, out-right meanness, glass ceilings and sometimes threat of physical harm or the loss of one's employment status.
Even though many people in the USA could be separated into groups that look similar which the Census calls "race", it actually creates a convoluted picture of America that is often wrongly reported and the information is exploited.
The United States increases it's debt by $1-Billion dollars each year due to new immigrant arrivals, but the average person wouldn't know that because reports are focused on just three classifications of peoples in the USA.
I believe we need to dump the "race" categories and allow people to write in their ethnicity instead.
Where are the LARGEST groups of our population in the USA today from?
Germany 44-M / Country of Mexico 38-M / Ireland 32-M / Scottish 25-M / Italy 15-M / Ghana 12-M / Sierra Leone 11-M / France 10-M / Poland? 9-M / Duch 8.5-M / Senengambia 7.5-M / Liberia 7.5-M.
Where did everyone in the USA originate from?
11,904,000 total Indians in the USA. American Indian 5.2-M / Alaska American Indian 6-M / Hawaian??600,000 / American Samoa??44,000 / Chamorro ?60,000
European-Americans in the USA: Germany?44-M / Ireland 32-M / Scotland 25-M / Italy ?15.7-M / France?10.4-M / Poland? 9-M / Dutch?8-M / Norway ?4.5-M / Russia? 3-M / Greece 3-M / Turkey?3-M / Wales 1.8-M / Hungary 1.4-M / Denmark 1.3-M?/ Ukraine? 1-M / Spain?810,000 / Finland ?650,000 / Roman ?500,000 / Bulgaria?250,000 / Portuguese 200,000 / Iceland?40,000 / Belarus ?38,000 / Lithuania??35,000 / Estonia 27,000
African-American Peoples in the USA:?????(Group #200321) Ghana? 11,384,880 / Siera Leone 10,233,600 / Senengambian 7,675,200 / Liberia 2,070,080 / Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bacongo ?72,488 / South East Africa, Zanj, Bantu 17,056 / Benin ?8,528 / Other locations ?11,000,000
Born in Africa Peoples in the USA: Liberia ?250,000 / Ghana??235,000 / Bantu?52,000 / Siera Leone 35,000 / Senengambian 18,000 / Congo 10,000 / Benin 605 / Nigerian 348,000 / Ethiopian 310,000 / Egyptians 256,000 / Somalis 150,000 / Kenya 120,000 / Southern Sudan 100,000 / South African 81,000 / Zimbabwe ?50,000 / Cameroon ?38,000 / Moroccan 30,000 / Tanzania ?20,000 / Senegal?18,000 / Tunisia 17,000 / Rwanda 10,000 /Algerians ?8,000 Mali ?5,000 / Libyan 5,000 / Angola?4,500 / Angola ?4,400 / Malawi ?700
Country of Mexico in the USA: Mexico 38-Million
Central America (7 Countries) in the USA: El Salvador 2.2-M / Guatemala 1.2-M / Honduras 700,000 / Nicaragua 348,000 / Panama 210,000 / Costa Rica 154,784 / Belize 160,000
Island Peoples in the USA:? Dominica ?2,080,000 / Bahamas ?57,000 / Haiti ?1.1-M / Montserrat?5,100 / Barbados ?55,000 / Grenada ?850 / Trinidad ?400,000 / Jamaica ?1,050,000 / Cubans?2.1-M
Asian-American in the USA: Iranian 1.5-M / Pakistan 554,000 / Azerbaijanis 400,000 / Syria ?200,000 / Yemen 200,000 / Israel 120,000 / Saudi Arabia 100,000 / Afghanistan ?94,000 / Jordan ?80,000 / UAE 2,000 / India?3.2-M / Sri Lanka?50,000 /Nepal ?200,000 / Burma?100,000 Bangladesh ?25,000 / Thailand ?300,000 / Chinese 5.1-M / Philippines 4-M / Korean 1.8-M / Vietnam ?1.3-M / Japanese 1.3-M /Taiwan 1-M / Cambodia?320,000 / Laos 200,000 / Indonesia 200,000 / Malaysia 38,000 / Mongolia 10,000
Oceanica in the USA: New Guinea 3,000 / Austrailians? 80,000 / New Zealand 28,000
South Americans in the USA: Brazillian 350,000 / Columbia 1.2-M / Peru 685,000 / Venezuelan 400,000 / Argentina 163,000 / Bolivia 100,000 / Uraguay 57,000 Paraguay 25,000 / Surinamese 15,000
#America #USA