Should Policies Have Expiration Dates?
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Policies exist in all parts of society, and we have been subject to them throughout our lives. They are generally well-intentioned, yet often elicit less than positive response - anything from the rolling of eyes to complaints about how policies don’t apply to a given situation. Company policies receive the same treatment and derision. If these policies were formed with good intention but now cause frustration, the question is should policies have expiration dates?
While policies aren’t food products, the short answer is yes. Here is why.
Unintended Consequences
However well devised and thought through, policies often have unintended consequences.? People find loopholes to circumvent the policy – either for personal preference or to skirt the intended improvement. The policy rewards the wrong result, prompting ineffective behavior. Or sometimes the policy creates a new problem, perhaps more detrimental than the one that the policy aimed at solving. All these outcomes are unintended or unforeseen, so if the policy had an expiration date, or had to be renewed after a review, adjustments could be made to address these unforeseen outcomes.
Changing Environment
You’ve probably read of seemingly ridiculous old laws still on the books – they are the source of internet memes and the same eye rolling as the policies in your organization. According to this list from a law firm’s web page, in Memphis, Tennessee, women can drive but only if preceded by a man waving a red flag. Perhaps at a time when there were almost no drivers, and all were men, this ordinance (gender bias notwithstanding) made sense. And in New Hampshire you can’t sell a lightning rod without a license – perhaps there was a time when that technology was new and that made sense, too.
These are obvious examples – but they point to an important point. As a simple example, how many of your policies don’t make sense now that people might not all be working in the office anymore?? It might not look like licensing lightning rods, but is that policy helping or hindering results?? By assigning expiration or review dates to your company policies, you will ensure that that they continue to make sense in a changing world and workplace.
Changing Culture
The culture of your organization may be changing, or you may want to be changing it. It is possible that existing policies and expectations make it unduly hard to make those changes. By putting expiration dates on company policies, they can be reviewed for their relevance and effectiveness given the culture you are trying to promote on your team or in your organization.
To Stop the Proliferation of Policies
Think about it this way, if we add policies, but never let any expire, the number of policies will continue to grow.? Sooner or later (likely sooner) this will stifle innovation, initiative, and place more focus on enforcement or compliance than on getting results.? Unless you regularly review company policies for relevance and effectiveness you will have an ever growing – and ever stifling list.
What Can We Do Now?
I recommend four steps to help with the proliferation of company policies.
Now it is your turn.? Tell us your thoughts in the comments – should company policies have expiration dates?
A version of this first appeared on my blog.
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