Should it be OK to Mandate Heathier Choices

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Things to consider:

We know that some of our processed foods aren’t the healthiest choices we can make. But isn’t it our choice as to whether we eat it or not. Some might say that wee couldn’t eat it if these foods are banned. What about other things that aren’t healthy but are legal to consume. Beer, wine and adult beverages. There are health consequences to consuming these. Tobacco in all forms. I cannot think of any benefit to using tobacco other than for those who grow and produce these products. Should they be banned?

What happened to choice? With some exceptions, we have a choice as to whether we develop lung cancer. Most of us have made a choice not to smoke cigarettes. Should cigarettes be banned. Eating fast food causes health risks such as heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. We already know that. We have a choice as to whether we eat and/or feed this to our children.

Perhaps moderation is the key. This is true but not about all the risks I’ve mention above. Is it safe to eat a slice of cake or pie occasionally? It depends. For most of us, eating this daily as a part of our meals isn’t a good idea, especially if we’re obese or diagnosed with diabetes. We have a choice. Choose better. Friends that feel they’ve done a good thing to “cut back” on how much they smoke. There is no specific number of cigarettes that is safe and won’t lead to lung cancer. Should they be banned? We have a choice. I’m not saying that quitting is easy. But it’s smart.

What was previously mandated:

  • Labels on cigarette packaging regarding the risk of smoking. But still some smoke.
  • Public service on the risk of smoking and development of COPD.
  • Food labels outlining nutrition and content
  • Warning labels on alcohol targeting pregnant women. We can do better targeting everyone.
  • Making recommendations regarding what is a safe amount to alcohol for men and women

Good health is a choice for most. There are many situations such as pediatric cancers and conditions like cancer in adults that appeared to have no life-style risk factors. There is still much to learn and medicine is an ever evolving discipline. There is more gray in medicine than there is black and white. And this is no time disinformation. We have generations of young people who get their information from social media which have no requirement of publishing facts.

Don’t gamble with your health. Better to play the odds. A healthy lifestyle in diet and exercise tend to yield better health and longevity. Nothing new here. Got good weather where you are? How about a nice walk. And plan to do this 3-4 times next week. How fast to walk? Fast enough to still be able to hold a conversation. How far? A better question is how long? 30-45 minutes.
