Should Mexico Join Nato?
When I look around the world and what is happening between NATO, Ukraine and Russia... I ask if the Western agenda is worth the conflict we currently see over there. Putting politics aside, all Western countries are broke and the agenda to help "democratize" various countries and liberate them seems like a failed policy, we only have to look at Afghanistan and Iraq as an example of what the West is capable of and the catastrophe that follows.
It was refreshing to read that Mexico has a limited Military and a foreign policy that is Anti-Imperialist. While the west continues to go broke because of the Industrial Military Complex and the endless wars to support this industry, Mexico seems to choose a more neutral approach to the Military outside its borders. Instead, Mexico is focusing on its economy, and tourism, expanding its manufacturing and services industry. I also see a tremendous opportunity for Mexico to expand its financial services and tech industry.
Eventually, every Empire falls and we are in the midst of the US and Western countries faltering on weak footings, it's only a matter of time, not if. So why would Mexico want to join a failing alliance like NATO which only focuses on wars under the guise of defense? Mexico is doing just fine being neutral in the world, but if they needed to join any alliance they should look towards BRICS, these countries are looking at building nations not destroying them as the West does.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate everything about the West and certain countries, I grew up in Canada and enjoyed it very much. The West has amazing people just like most countries around the world, it's the current Western leaders and their agenda which is the cause of most of the problems in today's world. I chose to leave Canada behind and enjoy Mexico for the freedoms and liberties it allows its citizens and residents. To me, Mexico is the "Land of the Free", unlike the US which states it is the "Land of the Free" but is truly the opposite. Per capita, the US has the most incarcerations and jailed people around the world, let alone many other issues which we just don't see in Mexico.
Mexico doesn't need to follow the West's lead towards military and expansionism, it needs to continue keeping "Globally Neutral", focus on expanding its economy, and letting FREEDOM reign supreme for all to enjoy here... LIBERTAD En Mexico.
If you are interested in learning more about Mexico and the opportunities there, feel free to join our Facebook Group for more details, content, and discussions.
Vin Maru