Should I Sell My Home?
Lauren Alexa Casey
Founder of the Live Real Estate Brokerage -A Real Estate brokerage that lets agents keep 100% commission and helps build their brand while doing it.
We love this question!
And of course we love this question because we are real estate agents so of course our answer is going to be yes, yes, yes!
But we are also human and we understand that there is SO much that goes into making this decision.
Whether you are currently living in this home or not it’s still tough.
And the part that makes this decision really tricky is there is both a logical side and an emotional side involved in the decision.
The bottom line is only you can decide if it’s the right time for you to sell.
But what we can do is share some questions that you need to ask yourself while making this decision.
1.) Why are you looking to sell?
This might sound like a silly question, but we always say to our clients that we truly need them to know the answer to this question.
And it may surprise you, but some people’s answer to this question is because it’s a hot market right now.
Let’s put it this way there will always be pros and cons in the market. What we need you to figure out is the true reason you feel compelled to do this.
Do you need the money?
Are you expanding your family?
Even just feeling cramped in your current space?
Guess what? All of these are valid reasons to make a move and we are here to help you work through them.
2.) How much do you need to walk away with when selling your home?
There are so many people out there who don’t truly understand what they are going to walk away with at the closing table. You need to make sure that the estimated listing price is something that you can work with when it comes to the numbers. You might discover that when breaking down the financials it might not be the right time for you to sell and that’s okay. We always want our clients to know that we are here to help when the time is right for them.
3.) Where am I going to go after selling?
This is an easy answer if you don’t currently live in the property you are selling. But most sellers we work with are actually living in the current property. Because of this it’s important to ask yourself first where you would be interested in going and second is it feasible. You might want to upgrade to a home in the neighborhood with an extra bedroom, but then when you break down the numbers with us it might not make sense for your lifestyle right now. We have worked with clients in the past who actually didn’t know the answer to this question when we put their property on the market. And we made it our mission to help them figure this out as soon as we could.
So there you have it! Here are a few things you need to think about before putting your home on the market. It will definitely make the process a lot easier for you.