Should I Save My Marriage Or Move On (Why You Should Or Should Not Save Your Marriage)
Should I save my marriage or move on - Why you should or should not save your marriage.?
You probably will not find many married people who will say that marriage is easy. Any relationship takes effort to make it work well. However, there are times when you may wonder if you can save your marriage and if it is even worth saving. When considering whether or not you should make any attempt to salvage your relationship, there are several aspects you should think about.
Some questions to ask yourself are:
-What attracted you to your partner?
-What made you fall in love with this person?
-Were you really in love or was it just infatuation?
-What is your history together?
-Have you had good times along with the bad?
-Do the good times outweigh the bad ones?
-What are the causes or reasons for the bad issues?
-Do you think you can overcome the obstacles to these issues?
-If you have children, have you given serious thought as to how a separation or divorce will affect them?
Answer these questions honestly and even write your responses down to review later.
Now, think about what characteristics you envision your "perfect" spouse as having. Write these thoughts down as well. Be realistic in your expectations otherwise, your unrealistic ideals will just set you up for failure. Not every man can be Prince Charming nor can every woman be a super model.
Next, think about how your spouse compares to what you ideal is. Does he or she match up in most areas or is there a severe lacking of deficiencies?
Now, look over your answers to the questions and really examine what you have written down. Hopefully this exercise has given you an opportunity to consider and evaluate your relationship to help determine its worth.
Your marriage is probably the most important relationship in your life. Trying to save your marriage can be difficult, but in most cases, couples should try salvage their marital commitment to each other if at all possible. Yes, it will take a lot of work and dedication, but if you believe your marriage is worth saving, then your chances of being successful are great.
If you’re on the verge of divorce… Or if your spouse is cheating on you… Or if your marriage JUST PLAIN ISN’T WORKING… I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here
How to Avoid Divorce - 11 Great Tips To Help You Avoid Divorce
How to avoid divorce is just the same as saying on how you are going to save the marriage. Avoiding divorce is parallel with fixing what is broken and starting all over again. The article that you will be reading now is a prevention and preservation of marriage life provided that parties, the husband and wife are willing to reconcile and work out on their marriage.
Divorce is the ultimate and final termination of the marital union of the husband and wife. Divorce is a legal process of removing the duties and responsibilities of marriage and finally closes the bonds of the two parties. We have actually been hearing about divorce here and around the world, it's as if a fad now where thousands of people are becoming involve. However, whether it is a fad or a law that can be applied by many couples who just suddenly jump into the court for the relationship to end, it varies considerably around the world. Not all places permit divorce including places like Malta and Philippines. Only annulment is permitted.
It is normal for every marriage to go through rocky roads and rough spot. This is a challenge for the couples on how they are going to deal with this; aside from that, their patience and willingness on how to solve it are also tested. Well, those are spices of the marriage life, without it, life would be boring for you; that actually makes the marital union to be stronger and firmer. The only problem with the couples today, when they are faced with even petty issues, they felt like it's not going to work anymore; negativism almost invade them, and what's worse is that they cannot patiently sustain it and for many, divorce is the next option. As we say, problems come and go, it can be because of money, priorities, infidelity, suspicions, time, etc,. and no matter how hard it is, this article will not allow divorce as an option.
You have promised to love one another, with sincerity and clean heart, you promised you will take care of each other in spite and despite of the problems you encounter. So, what promises are for? It is bound to be fulfilled and not to be broken. So, in order for the relationship to be nourished and to prevent it from leading path to divorce, there are different ways on how to avoid divorce:
The very first step in avoiding divorce is to recognize the fact that you have reached at this point in the relationship. It means that you cannot just terminate an established relationship you and your partner have stood for. When problems arise, totally changing the relationship is unusual; realize that there are a lot of marriage counseling to help you work out the best and worse in the marriage life. If both of you are willing to give time and commitment, you can make your marriage work.
In every relationship, communication is of the essence. The common cause of faulty marriage life is the lack of communication that causes misunderstanding, thus leading to divorce. That should not be the cycle. So what are you going to do? Increase the communication with your partner. Both of you must know how to listen when one speaks, share what you want to open, understand and respect each views and opinions. What is actually putting glow to a long lasting relationship is the special time for talking about anything under the sun, laughing with the stories, exchanging of jokes, etc. those simple things, both of you can feel that the relationship is worth saving for.
Respect. Love cannot exist without respect. Understanding cannot exist without respect. A relationship will not last without respect. Anything about respect, it's a big deal to every relationship. The marriage, even if has stood through the test of time, respect should always be a part of it. A simple respect of one's views, human right and dignity is a big factor to a long lasting relationship. Both of you must respect each decision provided that the reasons is valid and reasonable at all.
Leave all differences. When you get married, you are bound as ONE. All your differences are mixed together and accepted, therefore, if you want to have a good relationship, learn to keep aside the ego, leave all the differences and love and accept each other despite the differences.
Compromise. It is always best to give and take; a relationship will not work when you give all the time and the other half is just taking and taking. What can you get when only one of you is working for the relationship to last? Remember, it takes two to tango; compromising don't make you less as a person, in fact, doing it can cause a BIG THING - happier and long lasting relationship.
Don't Expect. Expecting any in return is not healthy. When you get into a marriage life, you both have the responsibility to do give service to each other; and what I mean about service is not asking any in return. You just want nothing but complete happiness with each one.
Learn to say sorry and learn to forgive. Saying I'm sorry is the hardest word to say, but when each one of you commit mistake on marriage, SORRY have taken away all your pride and will allow doors of the heart to open AGAIN, giving once more second chance to work out the relationship. Forgiveness means your heart is with the relationship, and you are ready again to take the battle with each other.
Go for long walks. This is not only good for health but it is also helpful for the betterment of the relationship. Talking while walking can give you some time to be feeling like boyfriends and girlfriends and the spark in the relationship can be felt. Walking together is also a great way to catch up things and talk about things you both want to share and tell.
Always offer a gift. Gifts can be big or small. You can give anything that reminds you of the love you both have with each other. I swear, it is very sweet and touching.
Have some time to eat a romantic dinner over a weekend. You can have it done at your own home, cooking for that romantic dinner, or you can have it done on a romantic place with candle lights on. You see, life will always be beautiful for you given the fact that you both cling into each other.
Intimacy. Intimate activity is one way of showing love with each other. It is part of every marriage life; SEX is a need for the sustenance of the relationship. However, respect each other when one doesn't want to do it.
These tips on how to avoid divorce will really be of help for the struggling couples right now. These can be of help in their day to day activities as husband and wife as they continue to face life with ups and downs. So, divorce will not be an option for the couples reading this if they will just apply what were mentioned above. Have a happy married life!
Couples can love one another and yet find themselves drifting apart and headed for a divorce. There are steps you can take, with or without the aid of your spouse to get your marriage back into the loving place it once was. Click here to save your marriage and rebuild it into a more connected, satisfying relationship.
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