Should I run for President?

Should I run for President?

Should I be elected President of the Republic of South Africa! I will seek to UNITE All South Africans as per our National Anthem; Sounds the call to come together and United we shall stand. United in our diversity as per the Constitution with skills, ideas, cultures, beliefs and tenacity to conquer despite all. This I shall achieve by making a conscience Agenda and Declaration of South Africa for Business, South Africa that does not advocate for spending without a clear Income stream(s). The problem with our policies especially those of the economy; is that they speak above us and do not have a clear income and expenditure presentation, for a six-year-old to comprehend. That is my suggested simple approach to inculcate allegiance through the involvement of the people from an early age and informing them adequately of the direction and detours we are to take in order to achieve the following:

a. Exceptional problem-solving quality Education in par with Japan. Coupled with compulsory African History in partnership with Archeologists and Historians from Leading African Universities. This is important for correcting historical facts and placing certain myths into context. I will re-introduce and make assembly compulsory in the mornings at every school in the Republic for spiritual meditation of all religious forms. We need a mentally healthy society. One that can face life's daunting challenges without opting for chemical vices and or ultimately possible suicide. Promote lifelong discovery learning opportunities for all.

b. I will Make Maths (Algebra), Science, Economics, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, and Law a compulsory from grade 5. This is important to make our citizens competent pertaining to the fourth industrial revolution and the internet of things.

c. Implement insanely advanced quality Health care for all and sundry in partnership with Google and other leading health technology companies. This to solve individual current and future imminent health concerns. My team of experts and I shall achieve this through scientific-genetic and blood type interpretations. Furthermore, offer medical solutions that are bespoke to individual biology rather than mass supply for our Citizens, subsequently for residence and health science tourists.

d. Invest in Research and Development in terms of Policies, industries, the economy, future jobs, artificial intelligence, life expectancy of our Citizens and examine possible future pandemics to befall us.

e. Maintain, improve current infrastructure, and develop super Post- Dubai infrastructure (roads, railway lines, powerlines, 9D undersea cables optic fiber without health risks. This is important for technology to carry super-advanced digital data, which includes telephone, internet, and private data traffic. Climate Friendly future Buildings, alternative sources of water, and hyper-protective laws for endangered species).

f. Introduce urban Mining since minerals are finite. Enforce reclamation of previous mine dumps of all our natural resources. Whilst emphasizing research on remnants and bi-products of Coal dumps. This to assist in addressing climate change concerns and waste rock dumps of such material. Find alternative scientifically modified use of radioactive rock dumps from former and current Gold mines for the cure of Cancer.

g. Abolish unions and employment agencies. Encourage and indoctrinate our citizens to appreciate entrepreneurship, being inventors and tradesman. I will achieve this through focussing on Millenials as they will arguably constitute 75% of the workforce by 2025. Current employment tactics, formats, and strategies are outdated given our new normal or technological social engagement platforms. We need a population that is enthusiastic about realistic and achievable future prospects of their Country. Millennials wield incredible kinetic organisational energy, economic, social, and political change. They are called influencers because they are shaping future situations, circumstances, behaviours, and mindsets in order to adapt to imminent future workforce demands and trends today.

h. I will attract Foreign Direct Investment from most Silicon Valley companies to establish shop here and create the necessary skills to put our Country on the map. Furthermore, position our Country as a great destiny for Business Process Outsourcing (call centers) this is due to our favourable time zone between the East and West. Thus, giving them 20 years tax breaks of only 3% to those employing more than a thousand people. This will apply to automotive, mining, pharmaceuticals, food, textile and tech manufacturing companies. Ultimately ensuring that we realise the economic growth and job creation we so desperately desire.

i. Make arrangements to settle all foreign debts using our bullion and Platinum reserves by way of streaming. Ensure that we fast track refining Platinum ore that we seemingly have in abundance to use as collateral to source finance for development and settle our ballooning debts.

j. Enforce Military conscription for all matriculants and unemployed non-matric youth in order to encourage patriotism and build a powerful ARMY in Africa and the World over. This will assist in deNyaopefying our youth. Thus, recreating respectful, orderly and disciplined citizens.

h. I will abolish the Social Grant system. This creates unwarranted dependency, reduces human abilities, and GOD given capabilities for self-determination. Most importantly Social Grants discourage unlocking embedded talents and skills in our human capital.

i. I will enforce Law & Order, criminalise racism, legislate prioritisation of jobs for South African citizens first, then residence and immigrants with critical economy necessary and improving skills. Pay our Civil servants in par to corporate companies and endeavour to better their remuneration given their critical skills, levels and experience. This will certainly curb corruption, brain-drain and collusion.

j. I will regulate the importation of Steel products by charging premium taxes for those goods and reduce taxes for materials beneficiated locally. I will enforce monitoring and evaluation of these and other laws by redeploying semi-retired and retired Citizens, Black, Coloured, Indian, White and Chinese to undertake these jobs. This is important to combat corruption, the mediocrity of services and products. Employ academics of exceptional qualities, stature and rapport through their academic qualifications to lead Setas, Verifications agencies and our state laboratories.

k. Emphasise protection of endangered species, research alternative sources to current and future water challenges notwithstanding possibilities to desalination given our proximity to the Ocean. This will be undertaken with extra caution to international standards and practices of Acqua-Environmental Management and bio-diversity programmes. Coupled with number 14 of the UN SDG of 2030; being Life below water, which is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

l. Support and vehemently protect sustainable Agricultural programmes and farmers to achieve adequate food production. This is vital to end hunger- poverty and provide economically improved healthy nutrition.

m. All the above intentions are meaningless unless I have formidable means to strengthen the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, revitalisation of Civil organisation and forging of a strong alliance with Global partnerships for increased sustainable socio-geo-political development.

n. Print our own money and implement a State bank to make home loans and business loans accessibly cheap for South Africans especially black people. This in order to bridge the Economic Gap currently plaguing and threatening our democracy. Most importantly to set our people up for economic success. I would furthermore, market the Mandela Gold CoinsW to the international market thus, representing diversity and transformation of economic handles.

o. Gender equality and the protection of minority groups like Women & children will be central to my administration.

During difficult times like now; I would have raised salaries of health care workers, Police, the Military and emergency services workers. I would have encouraged unemployed people willing to assist in our health facilities for COVID-19 and non-related cases. The R350 currently offered to our people I would quadruple it and pay the people assisting throughout this difficult time.

I concede that in this brief presentation there are a lot of critical issues I have not touched on pertaining to BEE, Human Rights, the Transformation agenda, the Judiciary, Trade & Industry, Sovereign Wealth Fund, International Relations, Local Government and polarisation of race, colour and creed of our Citizens by way of divisive propagandas.

That, my fellow South African Citizens, will ensure that we are on the correct Political, socio-economic trajectory we require for current and future generations.

My name is Lord Refilwe Monageng and I am running for President.

Noluthando Dlamini (MBA)

Board Of Directors at Enterprise iLembe Economic Development Agency

1 年

Elections are around the corner Refilwe, just checking who's on the next ballot paper ?

Ronsley Kubie

Director Sales Africa at AXESS Networks

1 年

If not why not? You got my vote. Enough is enough! This is not rocket science: let’s save the lives of our future generations. Military conscription will bring added benefits, discipline,purpose, courage, confidence and direction #deNyaopefyingIurYouth. Our politicians are clowns in Parliament, they’ve forgotten to serve the people. Started their Political careers with an intent (they identified gaps in society) but now are failing their trusted missions. #Refilwe4President #NationalUnity

Yumna Adams

HR Strategist | Talent Management & HRIS Aficionado | Certified Life Coach | Agri-Processing Enthusiast

2 年

Refilwe (Mr.) Monageng You should go for it. !!

Omar Fortune

Owner, CPMS Civils

2 年

We need to get people and leader firstly that respect Almighty God as when we were brought up. Yes I agree that religious fundamental values must be reintroduced into our Schooling curriculum with immeadiate effect.


