Should I really be taking that holiday?
You’re supposed to look forward to your holidays. When you’re in sales, however, it doesn’t always work that way. Even when your holiday is booked and paid for. Even when your suitcases are packed. You still have a little nagging doubt at the back of your mind.
‘Should I really be doing this?’
It’s OK. You’re amongst friends here. You can come out and say it. A little part of you is wondering whether taking this holiday, now, at this time, is such a good idea.
For a start, if you’re away for a week, you can't look after your clients. If you can’t, you can guarantee your competitors will. Then there are your so-called colleagues. You’re doing well right now. You’re in your manager’s good books. While you’re away, maybe someone else will steal your thunder. Finally, you work hard. You do a lot around the office. If you take a week off, what state of mayhem will you be coming back to? You’ll have so much catching up to do. No. This Is not a good idea at all.
I’m here to tell you to put your fears aside. You need a holiday. Last year, I had mine with the kids and family at Centre Parcs and it did me the world of good. In the long run, it’ll be better for you, for your business, for everyone. Here’s why.
Time to relax
Sales is stressful, with clients and bosses and targets and career paths putting pressure on you from all sides. No one can cope with that 365 days a year. A week or two away from the grind is absolutely essential for your own well-being. You need to take yourself away from the stress, rest your mind, relax and recharge. Break out of your bubble, as I wrote in an article a couple of months back. Put your efforts into something else, your relationship, your family, even just doing nothing. Get some proper sleep, give your heart a rest. Plus, if you’re stressed at work, chances are you’re taking it out on your colleagues. Give them a break from you as well.
Time for fun
Probably most importantly, holidays are great fun. For a week or two, you can do pretty much whatever you like. Just being somewhere a bit different opens up your horizons. You’ll meet new, interesting people. You’ll see interesting things. You’ll eat great food. You’ll experience things you don’t normally experience. You could get some exercise. You may even learn something. I know your work is important to you, but come on, there’s more to life.
Time to reflect
A week or two on holiday provides an ideal time to reflect on how things are going, on a business and personal level. When you’re lying on the beach, or sitting on a ski lift, and you have nothing else to think about, your mind will often take you in that direction. When your mind is empty of day-to-day work matters, you think more clearly about your goals, your career, your whole life. You’ll find it easy to figure out what is going well, and what isn’t. You may even come up with some new ideas on how to improve matters.
Time to return
On top of all these things, when you return, tanned, fresh and stress-free, you soon receive a reminder that keeps you grounded. The world is still turning. The business is still solvent. Your clients have not walked out on you because you took a week off. I don’t even suppose you missed anything that important, probably just the usual Monday meeting and Thursday night in the pub. Sure, you have 1589 emails in your inbox, but it’s OK. The emergencies have already been dealt with. Face it. You’re not that important.
Also on your return, you find yourself working smarter. You’re not stressed and you’re in a better mood with your colleagues and clients. You’re focused. You’re determined to do a good job. That’s how you like to work, and what’s more, it’s how your company like you to work. Really, they should be forcing you to go! So next time you’re having those nagging doubts about taking a holiday, send them packing.
Your turn now. Can you share any more reasons why taking a holiday is a great idea when you’re in sales? Or maybe you can prove me wrong. Did you go away for a fortnight and come back to a disaster? Leave me a comment below to let everyone know.
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About the Author
James Ski is CEO and Founder of Sales Confidence and CRO of Opogo. He previously worked at LinkedIn, where he advised companies on recruitment, marketing and sales.
If you would like to be first to read his published posts focused on sales confidence sign up to his blog here.
He is currently running London’s first Sales Accelerator and London’s first B2B SaaS Sales Conference, SaaSGrowth 2018.
This article was first published in August 2017.
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7 年No! I will go.