Should I Go To Market Early?
Corum Property
For over 20 years, Corum have been the market leaders for premium estate agency in Scotland.
Scotland's Housing Market: Renewed, Revived, re-energised for 2024. Looking ahead, Gordon Daniel McGuire , Head of Marketing & Communications discusses the new year welcoming a refreshed market.
And there it is, another year under the belt and with it, we welcome in the 2024 property market. So what is the state of play in Scotland?
The reality is that the market has been very strong over the last twelve months and far more prosperous than many believe it to be, given some of the national headlines we have seen - most of which reflect the wider UK picture rather than the local market in Scotland.
The start of 2024 appears to be a continuation of that excellent market performance but with one key difference: the media are now echoing the positivity that we have been witnessing first-hand. Interest rates are coming down, which is opening up affordability for many prospective buyers, and lenders are gearing up new products for more amiable rates - particularly those with significant deposits to hand.
We are also excited by the number of buyers who have come forward in the formative few weeks of January, many of whom have been fuelled with new-found confidence around their affordability, and there is serious intent amongst them to buy as soon as possible.
To that end, those who have opted to list their property with us early are benefitting from a unique market quirk. Spring tends to invite the most competition and best offers; however the current combination of a high volume of buyers with a limited supply of available homes has caused a bit of a frenzy in terms of activity, and those early-listers are reaping the rewards, with excellent premiums being paid at a closing date.
Key Summary of Points
Early Sellers Reaping Rewards
The new year has brought with it swathes of hungry new buyers who appear intent on buying as soon as possible. The reality is that those listing now are achieving premiums we would expect to see in the Spring and are being paid already.
Cash Buyers in Abundance
We have been highly impressed by the number of cash buyers that have come to the fore since the turn of the year. Many people opted to sell first last year to make themselves as attractive as possible by offering a quick and clean sale.
The Importance of Pricing
Setting out an appropriate pricing strategy sounds like common sense, but 'sense' is all too often neglected in favour of being too bullish. We have shown extra finesse in our pricing, which has had some astounding results so far this year.
How to Start the Process
We believe deciding to sell your home, you should always have all of the facts and data to make a truly formed decision. Get Started, where we encourage you to arrange a no-obligation market appraisal of your home.