For addicts, their dose of survival is the necessary evils for them. Although they know the ill effect of substance abuse, yet they are not in character to control the urge to consume such entities.

There are a few lucky ones who come out of the clutches of addiction, and there are a few who want to get a better grip on their life. The only dilemma faced by such individuals is how they would begin their journey to stop consuming alcohol.

Asking friends and relatives might be beneficial. But, sadly, the taboo of addiction is not hidden from anybody. More than support and care, addicts are looked down upon with sympathy or even repulsion.

By chance, the person finds a way out; he might have confusion regarding his therapy.

After all, this is the most vital part. Only the proper type of therapy can reduce their alcoholism.

This blog is a highlight to every one of those who are dangling between the choices of individualized treatment or group therapy.

To follow a fixed pattern, let’s start by explaining each of the therapies for a broader range of knowledge.

Types of therapy for alcoholism-

  1. Individual therapy- What happens during individual therapy for alcoholism?

This is a one-on-one interaction where the addict talks to his therapist, and various sessions are carried out to help him overcome his addictive nature.

For a faster recovery rate, it is recommended you go for professional help if your condition is severe. Only the former trained experts can deal with such challenging disorders and cut the problem from the root.

Advantages of individual therapy

  • The full attention of the therapist is?drawn only towards a single person. This way, the individual can avail better treatment plans that are customized only for him and also helps the therapist to understand his patient better as he gets more time with him.
  • Individualized therapy provides a more comprehensive session series than group therapies.
  • The confidentiality of the patient is maintained when he receives treatment personally. This allows him to open up more to his therapist?that?leads to a quicker recovery.
  • The patient can deeply reflect on himself during these insightful sessions and get answers to many mysteries that he could not decode in his entire life span.
  • The sessions can be fixed according to the conducive schedule of the patient.
  • The therapist can speed up or slow down his treatment plans according to how his patient takes the therapy. Thus the therapist tailors treatment for each patient.

?Disadvantages of individual therapy

  • The treatment is quite expensive when compared to group therapy sessions.
  • There is something about how the human mind works. Somehow, an individual going through a rough phase finds strength and support when he sees someone else going through the same situation.

Group therapy provides relativity in such situations, which may be more beneficial in resorting to the problem.

  • Patients in individual therapy are continuously in the spotlight, which might not make them feel quite comfortable.

Group therapy

?The typical scene that strikes our mind when?we think?about therapy is a group of people sitting in a circle and sharing each other’s experiences. If that rings a bell to you, this is what group therapy is all about.?

The group may be addressed by one or, at maximum, two therapists.

Generally, there are around 10-12 patients seated in a group therapy session.

The number of people present in the group may vary depending upon a host of factors. However, studies prove that an effective group therapy should comprise 6-12 individuals in a range.

Advantages of group therapy

This gives them a sense of belonging and they become a part of?the?group where similar people share similar problems.

  • Alcohol addiction takes away a lot from a person. In the midst of all this, if the person gets the opportunity to maintain a symbiotic relationship with someone, this comes in as a motivation for them. Sharing and supporting someone in the same journey as theirs is a refreshing start to their withering life.
  • Different sets of rules, ways of living,?others?point of view gets aggregated in one place through which each individual can learn something and grow as a person.
  • Addiction has few characteristics. They are?self-isolating, aggressive behavior, being anti-social, and improper ways of living.

With the help of group therapies, patients can talk about their emotions?and?show their vulnerable side. This makes them socialize with other people and understand their point of view as well.

  • Getting influenced by exemplary sources is what group therapy is all about. The patient can meet, talk, and be guided?by a live?example?who was in his shoes a while back. This makes any addict cling to the hope of betterment in their life.

Disadvantages of group therapy

  • The method of therapy is not intensive. Thus, the treatment availed does not focus on the individual’s problem with much depth.
  • There is far less security and confidentiality in group-oriented programs.
  • There might be addicts?who hide behind the shadows of excelling patients. Thus, an apparent growth?of?each individual cannot be marked
  • The person must remain flexible with his timings. He cannot put any constraints on them as, at the end of the day, everyone has to pitch in for a fixed schedule.
  • Group therapy may be inappropriate for people who are extremely shy or cannot execute their emotions.

Is individual therapy more effective than group therapy, or is it vice versa?

A layout of both the therapies has been extensively opened up in front of you. The reason for doing this is for you to choose what is the most suited to you according to your circumstances.

By now, you should have realized that every?mental health issue?has an array of treatments to manage its consequences.

Be it your addictive nature or?withdrawal symptoms,?there is a solution to every problem. All you have to do is to take the first step. Contact at Hopecare to understand your situation and the kind of treatment you should head towards. Note that it is always safe under the care of an expert. Therefore, call right away at 91-9311112377 to bid a final goodbye to your worries.


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