Should education be free? What are the reasons for making education free?
On this subject, you should regard me as a socialist. I'd like to be completely honest about my views, experiences, and opinions. High-quality education, in my opinion, should be easily accessible and cheap to everybody.
Education is a requirement, not a luxury. If we look at it from a macroeconomic standpoint, knowledge-based countries prosper much faster than others. It has a lot to do with the population's average IQ level. If the population's average IQ is lower than the average, institutions will deteriorate, resulting in anarchy in society, a decline in moral values, and widespread violence. Education is an investment in human capital rather than a waste of tax dollars. That is how it must be perceived.
How much does education affect intelligence?
A new study has found that a year of schooling improves IQ scores by 1 to 5 points.
“Our analyses provide the strongest evidence yet that education raises intelligence test scores,” said psychological scientist Dr. Stuart J. Ritchie of the University of Edinburgh. “We looked at 42 datasets using several different research designs and found that, overall, adding an extra year of schooling in this way improved people’s IQ scores by between 1 and 5 points.”
Research has long shown that the number of years of education and intelligence are correlated, but it has been unclear whether this is because education boosts intelligence or because individuals who start off with higher IQ scores are likely to stay in school for longer.
Many individual studies on this question have now been published, and Ritchie and coauthor Dr. Elliot Tucker-Drob of the University of Texas at Austin saw an opportunity to clarify the nature of the schooling-IQ relationship.
“We felt the time was right to do a meta-analysis, combining all the previous studies to come up with an overall result for how much education boosts intelligence,” Ritchie said.
The researchers looked at three particular types of quasi-experimental studies from a variety of sources, including published articles, books, preprint articles, working papers, dissertations and theses.
The first type of study includes data collected from individuals over time, including intelligence measurements obtained before and after individuals complete their education. This allows researchers to adjust for participants’ prior intelligence level when examining the association between years of school and later intelligence, the researchers explained.
The second type of study takes advantage of “natural experiments” in the form of policy changes that result in individuals staying in school for different lengths of time. In one study, researchers examined data from the 1960s when Norway gradually enacted a new policy that increased the basic education requirement by two years, testing whether IQ scores were higher for students who’d been given more compulsory schooling.
In the third study type, researchers use school-admission age cutoffs to compare children who are similar in age, but who have different levels of schooling due to their specific birth dates.
To be included in the meta-analysis, each data set had to provide cognitive scores obtained from objective measurement with participants who were 6 or older and cognitively healthy. This yielded 42 data sets from 28 studies collected from a total of 615,812 individuals, according to the researchers.
In each of the three types of studies, the researchers found that an additional year of education was associated with an increase in IQ that ranged from 1.197 IQ points to 5.229 IQ points.
In combination, the studies indicated that an additional year of education correlated with an average increase of 3.394 IQ points.
“The most surprising thing was how long-lasting the effects seemed to be, appearing even for people who completed intelligence tests in their 70s and 80s,” Ritchie says. “Something about that educational boost seemed to be beneficial right across the lifespan.”
The researchers note that each type of study has strengths and weaknesses, and the findings raise several new questions that future research will have to address. For example, does an additional year of school just make students better at taking tests or does it produce an underlying neurobiological change? What are the specific parts of the educational experience that are most responsible for the change? And what are the limits of education’s effect?
“A crucial next step will be to uncover the mechanisms of these educational effects on intelligence in order to inform educational policy and practice,” they conclude in the study, which was published in?Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
On Indian Context:
India is classified as a developing country in the Third World. In reality, our country is a low-middle-income economy, with half of the population living in poverty. As a result, it stands to reason that education in India has always been cheap and subsidized by the central and state governments.
Despite all efforts to educate this nation, it has failed on a massive scale due to political, economic, social, and cultural reasons. This country is concerned about overpopulation, unemployment, widespread corruption, inflation, and other issues.
I am not opposed to the privatization of India's education sector; in fact, it is a necessary step towards reaching everyone's doorstep. The question here is still one of education quality, meeting global standards, skill development, and, most importantly, student employability. Our universities are brimming with the Old Memory Testing Education System, which the British introduced in the nineteenth century. After 12 years of educational abuse, students come to universities expecting miracles! Huh! Now we learn that our higher education institutions follow the same pattern and rely on memory testing. In Indian universities, there is a lack of innovation, creativity, unsupportive research mechanisms, and skill development programs, among other things.
If you criticize their methods, you are anti-national and anti-social, and your flight will be cancelled. It is no surprise that Indian students are increasingly traveling abroad for higher education because their educational methods are more research-oriented and practical.?
Institute of Eminence Vs Rest of them
The Mighty IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, and so on are mere show-offs, in my opinion, because their social impact is too minor to consider. Just look at how they select people for a course; it's just a difficult exam that Stanford and MIT students will struggle to pass! When we apply to a foreign university, they consider your entire profile, including your statement of purpose and interests, before admitting you to a degree program. The main difference is that it is not based on a competitive exam.
IIT and IIM fees are also out of reach for the lower-middle and middle classes. Even if they pass the most difficult exam for these institutions, they may eventually withdraw due to high fees and elitism.
So, my real question is, what kind of social development or social impact do the mighty IITs, and IIMs provide to Indian society? Did they assist a population in escaping poverty in recent decades? Did they produce any Nobel laureates? When it comes to social contributions, public universities performed better.
Benefits of Education (On Macro-Economic View Point):
Education typically ensures that a person has a typical IQ, certain life skills, and language proficiency. From a high perspective, how does education contribute to nation building?
- ?Poverty Reduction.
- Connecting Across Borders.
- Sense of Accomplishment.
- More Productivity.
- Better Communication.
- Critical Thinking Skills.
- Identification of Skills.
- Greater Sense of Discipline.
- Creating a Modern Society
- Creating Equal Opportunities
- Improving Economy
- Improved Social Development
Taking into account all the information and observations, I feel that everyone should have easy access to high-quality education that is affordable. It will contribute to society's overall improvement. I appreciate you reading my article.