Should Donald Trump's suggestion for denuclearization talks succeed, it will be great news
Jean Baptiste Ndabananiye
Founder of Life In Humanity, a platform devoted to practicing quality journalism that matters not only nationally and regionally but also globally.
The global nuclear arms race is more than just a contest of military power; it is a high-stakes game that shapes economic stability, international diplomacy, and long-term security. As superpowers reassess their nuclear strategies, financial constraints and shifting geopolitical alliances are forcing a reconsideration of traditional dominance.
Beyond the political and economic implications, the stress and uncertainty caused by nuclear brinkmanship contribute to widespread psychological distress, raising critical concerns about mental health on a global scale. A nuclear war disrupts health in multifarious ways. While it was generally expected that the President Donald Trump would exacerbate the nuclear arms race, he now suggests talks with Russia and China, to conduct denuclearization. For more, clikc on this article.