Should divorce lawyers offer free consultations?
What is the real value of offering a free consultation as a family law attorney?
There are two typical frames of thought here:
No matter what you believe, there are some very valid reasons to consider free consultations as a part of your marketing strategy. They can help people to get to know you and make the decision to establish a client-attorney relationship.
Nevertheless, it is your time, and any time you’re not putting into your clients is time that’s not making money for you directly.
At Array Digital, we know there is some value to using “free consultations” as a component of your marketing strategy. Doing so often means you’re building an opportunity to connect with people, establish a relationship, and get to work. It also helps with all of those search engine rankings geared towards “free consultations” that your competitors are using.
However, there are other tools available that could help you as well. While there’s certainly a place for free consultation marketing, there are a few other ways we can help you.
Don’t write off free consultations as not worthy of your consideration. There are certainly many opportunities for them to boost your traffic. However, you should use them properly and in conjunction with a high-quality online marketing strategy.
Let’s break it all down and provide some answers to you. Read our latest post to learn how to evaluate whether free consultations are a good fit for your firm’s needs.