Should the contents of a Will be kept a secret?
There has been an interesting question asked on about whether the contents of an elderly couples Will should be kept a secret from their children.
There are arguments both for and against telling your relatives what is in your will.
If you tell them...
Talking to your relatives and explaining the decisions that you have made in your Will can help them to get a better understanding of your reasoning behind your wishes. This is particularly useful if you have treated your children unequally in your Will. It can help to prevent any upset and confusion after your death, as you would have a chance to explain why made those decisions.
Also, there is often an emotional connection to inheritance, rather than a logical one. If children are treated unequally, they can sometimes assume it is because you felt differently about them rather than because one of their siblings simply need it more than they do. They may question if you loved their sibling more, or whether they had done something wrong.
Openly talking about your wishes could also reduce the chances of your children contesting the Will and filing a claim, particularly if your children may be concerned you were coerced into making these decisions.
Keeping it private
On the other hand, your Will and your wishes are just that - yours! You have every right to keep it private, especially if you are worried that your decisions could cause arguments and upset between yourself and your loved ones.
Only you can decide whether you wish to tell your loved ones what is in your will whilst you are still alive. However, you do have the option of putting a detailed letter with your Will, explaining your reasons behind the decisions you have made. This could help your loved ones to gain a better understanding of your wishes, and answer some of the questions that they may have.
However, if you have not yet written your will, it in unlikely that your wishes will be met at all. Your assets could end up being distributed differently to how you would want them to.
To make sure that your wishes are met, write your will today. You can get started simply by completing our online contact form, and we will be in touch!