This Should Concern You!
So much talk about the United States government debt of $30 trillion. That is a problem. But even more is worldwide debt of $307 trillion. The US debt stands at 123% of US GDP. The $307 worldwide debt stands at 300% of worldwide GDP! ? Six of the G-7 nations now have government debt greater than 100% of GDP. Those countries:
There are 54 nations that are on the verge of a financial crisis. 22 pf those nations have either already defaulted on their debt or are on the razor’s edge of default.There are only five ways out of excessive debt and the world has excessive debt.
Remember the turmoil caused when Greece defaulted on their debt in 2015. That was one country and Greece had previously defaulted five times in the previous 150 years. What will be the impact of the world debt on investments in your portfolio? Worldwide debt is just one of the potential black elephants or black swans on the horizon. Things that have never happened before are happening all the time, and we at AFC see several on the horizon that could impact investments for decades.? Join us on July 25, 7-9pm, at Tulio Restaurant in Seattle for dinner and an evening seminar that will shine some light on these dark forces. ?Come learn how to not only survive them, but to thrive during these difficult times.? Complimentary valet parking is included along with your meal. ?Call Carl at 206-903-1019 to reserve your spot today. A $25 non-refundable deposit is required to register. Limit 24 participants.