Should Competent Writers Hire a Business Coach for Their Book?
Kate Frank
Book ghostwriter - Guiding world-class industry leaders to share their story with their community and clients. Extensive experience in writing for Business, IT, and Cybersecurity
The short answer to this question from my perception is a resounding "YES". If this makes you angry, you probably don't want to read the rest of this article.
Writing Skill Alone Will NOT Bring Success
Highly skilled writers often think writing is the most important skill for book success. If this were true, the average number of books sold by individual authors would be well over the reported earnings numbers would be greater than $500 per title reported by the Nonfiction Authors Association.
The sad truth is it is almost impossible for you to get people to read your writing when last year when it is reported more than 2 million new books were published last year.
So - should you just give up?
The answer to this question is "NO!"
Your Book is Valuable to Many Hungry Readers
One thing I know about writers, they are also readers. If you are a voracious reader, you have more highly valuable information in your head than it will take to fill a half dozen books...or more. From your perspective it may seem it has all been written already.
What you may not realize is this: Non-readers want you to boil it all down for them. It is why they listen to podcasts and read blog posts. While a book is not a part of their daily consumption, they want the information. If you can deliver a succinct, information rich book in the place where they are itching to get scratched, they will download the eBook or maybe even purchase a real printed version.
It's all about created the right book and communicating the value well. As a writer, you may not have the skill to determine the right book and may not have the marketing expertise to communicate the value well. Most writers are not marketers.
What Matters in Book Success?
Sorry, your artful writing is secondary. Although critically important, it doesn't matter if your book is drowned by the other 2 million books published this year.
So what can a brilliant book author do?
The good news is book publishing is totally democratized. You don't need a big name publishing house to pick up your book to make money. In fact, I would argue going with a big publishing house would be a mistake for most first-time nonfiction authors. I won't go into detail here. Reach out to me for a direct answer about this question.
These are the things that matter in becoming a successfully profitable book author:
- Know your ideal reader - If you are writing before you have researched who wants to read what you have to say, you have "put the cart before the horse," as the old saying goes. Even if you went with a traditional publisher, they will want to know about your ideal reader. The research and decision making about the reader is not optional in today's marketplace.
- Explore the places where your ideal reader hangs out - Reaching your readers is going to happen more in social media, meet up groups, corporate events and other places. It doesn't happen as much in the book store where you will get lost.
- Once you know where your reader spends their time, determine how you will reach them outside the pages of your book. If you want to speak from the stage, explore which groups might invite you to speak. If you prefer staying at home and using social media to develop a following, do that. This intersection between your reader and what you enjoy doing yourself is the sweet spot of profitability. It's your platform for profit and community.
- Get a coach like me - This sounds a bit arrogant so bear with me. As your business coach (You do know your book is a business in today's publishing world, right?) I will guide you to inventory potential book topics based on your ideal reader. We will build a book specifically for the reader who is hungry for what you have to share. During our time together, you will spend the bulk of your time on your platform. The writing part becomes easy for you because you simply talk in recorded/transcribed interviews. I do the writing for you - in your voice with your ideas and you being exclusively the only author.
Why You Should NOT Write Your Own Book
There are so many reasons why being an author in today's world means you don't do the actual writing. Let me give you a quick list:
- When you write, you engage a different part of your brain than when you talk. Since you will be spreading the message of your platform by speaking, it is important your speaking voice be used in your book. Without help, your writing sounds more like a report written for a professor. UGH!
- You have more important things to do. Most nonfiction authors create their book while also holding down another career. They. Are. Busy. As a busy professional you are limited to how much time you can devote to your book. With the limited time you have, it is much smarter to spend time building a community of readers who want to learn what you have to share.
- Unless you have written several books, you are an amateur in book creation. In his book Outliers, Malcom Gladwell said you need to put in 10,000 hours to become an expert. Think about your area of expertise. Were you as good at the topic when you started as you are now? I think not. A good business coach for your book can ghostwrite the book with all the expertise of 10,000 hours. You don't want to be your own guinea pig with your book.
Okay, I've said enough about this. Rest assured I hire someone to do things where I am not an expert. Although you may be an excellent writer, it is simply not enough in today's overcrowded marketplace. Instead of me pitching my services further, just go to my profile and check me out. Go to my website and learn more - or better yet - set up a time for us to talk.
The world deserves to see your book. You have worked too hard to let your knowledge disappear when you are gone. I want to help you make this happen.
Be well, Kate